Military Honors

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March 1,2017
Chapter 3

Rain finished trimming up Mr. Thomas beard.  We had got finished with the Carters and she was doing some last minute touch ups on the two she had put in the casket. I was amazed at how focus she was working on this man. Her attention to detail was amazing. I wonder if she learned that when she was in the army or if she always had it.

"Baby," I said.


"What made you join the army? I know we never got around to it and it's a sensitive topic for you," I said.

She looked up at me and smirked.

"My pops was a veteran. So that was part of the reason," she said and licked her lips.

"What's the other reason?" I asked her.

"You see Mr. Thompson here?" She asked me.

"Yeah," I said.

"He was in the army for 25 years. His family didn't want to have full honors for him. It pissed me off a little bit. People in the military should get them if they can. We go to war to protect and fight for the freedom of others and when we come back we get treated like shit. Civilians don't understand how much we put on the line so they can keep living their lives. I want them to have the respect they deserve. Nobody understands more than somebody who's gone through the same thing. I knew I couldn't connect with them until I endured what they did. That's the other reason I joined," she said.

I bit my lip. I loved her passion. It makes me even more passionate about my career.

"In order to understand you have to see it from all points of views and that's what I do. When I die I don't care what happens to me. I just want my military honors," she said as she looked down.

"That's all you want?" I asked her.

"My only request," she said and smiled at me.

I smiled and nodded my head. I ain't wanna think about losing her but I knew that time would come eventually but if she wanted a military service it is gonna be the dopest ever.

"Anyway. Are you done princess?" She asked me.

"Yeah," I said as I looked down at Mrs. Carter.

I bit my lip she looked good. Well better than when we first started.

"Come on let's get them in their beds. The family should be here in 30 minutes," she said.

I nodded and followed her around like London and Mayra does. I see why it's how she care herself you just can't help to want to

"You can lift right?" She asked me.

I raised my eyebrow.

"Yes," I said.

"Good we won't need the lift then," she said as she pushed Mr. Carter into the chapel.

The Majors Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora