Those Tones

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April 29,2017

"Go to sleep Mrs. Rose," I said as I rolled over.

We had been at it since 8am. She had just tapped out a couple of hours ago which was like 3 or 4 in the afternoon. So I know she wasn't trying to get anything.

"Okay," she mumbled as she snuggled deeper into my body.

I placed my hand back on her ass and she placed hers half way down my boxers. I pulled her closer and  drifted back off to sleep. 

"Baby," She said as I felt her place kisses down my neck.

I groaned and move my head. She needs to learn to let people sleep. I swear if she wasn't my wife I would choke her ass out.

"Papi," she said.

"What?" I mumbled.

"One watch your tone," she said.

I felt my dick jump. I turned my head and looked at her out of one eye. Her tone was so dominated. It turned me on and she knew it.

"If you not waking me up to put you back to sleep leave me alone Mila," I told her and licked my lips.

I watched as she bit her bottom lip.

"Are we matching tones?" She asked me as she straddled my waist.

"We could be," I said and licked my lips.

I watched as she smirked and leaned down. Her fresh minty breath hit my face.

"I was waking you up to let you know I'm finna make food," she said and smirked.

I bit my lip and watched her laugh as I quickly sat up.

"What time is it?" I asked her and smirked.

"Uh like 3 or 4," she said and smirked.

I laughed.  I'm sure it was.

"What was yesterday?" I asked her.

She smirked and blushed. We did have a couple more rounds between sleep and like that real deep sleep. The one she was currently taking me out of.

"Don't worry about it just get clean up, roll up, and just stay up with me until after we eat. Then we can go back to bed. I promise baby. We ain't even gotta cuddle up, which probably not a bad idea..."

"Mrs. Rose,"

"Hmmmm," She said as she looked at me and smirked.

"Why are you rambling?" I asked her.

"Don't get mad," she said as she got up.

I groaned as I flopped around on my bed.

"Which ones Jamila?" I asked her.

She say she wants  a spot away and here she go. Telling people about the clubhouse. Now I gotta go find a super secret clubhouse. Then make her swear on everything she loves and our marriage she won't tell any fucking body about it.

"Just Sin and Red," she mumbled.

I relaxed. I looked over at her as she pouted. I quickly got up and walked over to my wife.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Are you mad at me?" She asked me as she looked up with me.

"I was. You said you wanted a place they ain't no about and I got us the one for now..."

"What do you mean for now?" She asked me as she raised her eyebrow.

I smirked.

"I'm not mad baby. I'm just glad it's those three. I already know they told DJ. But them niggas actually got fucking manners. They will at least call, text, and even ring the bell," I said as I licked my lips and looked down at her.

"Do you think they can train them dumbasses?" I asked her and raised my eyebrow.

She laughed.

"I think they do all the corrupting. I swear they training Trina ass to be mini versions of them," she said.

"What's wrong with that?" I asked her.

"Y'all are nasty," she said as she winked at me.

I smirked and smacked her ass. She hissed and moaned.

"You wanna fix that now or later?" I asked her as I rubbed her ass.

"Later. Now stop it," she said and slapped my hand.

I laughed and kissed her behind her ear.

"Got damn it stop it Rain," she moaned as she balled up my beater in her hand and pulled me closer.

"Can I have a taste?" I mumbled against her neck.

"Mmmm, but papi this is what happened last time," she whined.

"Was it?" I said and kissed behind her ear again.

"Mmmmmm... nope," she moaned and pushed me away from her.

"Go shower," she said as she bit her lip and ran her hands through her still damp hair.

I licked my lips. I did enjoy seeing her wet and naked. I smirked. If she was gonna wake me up and not give me coffee then I was just gonna have to make due.

"Mrs. Major," I said.

I watched as she shook her head no. She pointed to the night stand. I laughed she had a cup of coffee sitting there. I couldn't even put up a fight. She got me.

"Damn. I thought I was gonna eat something in the shower," I said.

"Depends on how long you gonna take to actually get in the shower," she said and smirked.

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