She Always Come Through

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Chapter 38
March 30,2017

I watched as my sister giggled and Rain walked into the house with her damn shadows. I literally never seen her so damn happy. It wasn't force or anything. Just all authentic. She deserved to be happy.

"That's not funny Milly," I said and pouted.

"I will make sure she  doesn't hang you out a window by your ankle," she said.

"She hung Nora out a window?" I asked her.

She smiled and nodded.

"She also rocked her jaw," she said as she looked at me.

I watched as she sat her plate down and winced a bit. I bit my lip. I don't know how strong my sister is but from where I'm sitting she is a beast. She was all fucked up and still trying to take care of everything. I don't think I would ever be that strong. She has stepped in to be a mother every since my popa died. I don't remember being with our mother too much. I just remember her always being there but Milly has been changing my diapers and taking me to school with her since I was probably born. I looked up to in more ways of just being a sister. She was a woman. A real strong one.

"Milly," I said.

She smiled and patted the seat next to her. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I walked over to her and sat down. I let out a shake breath as I thought about how my life would be different right now. She wrapped her good arm around my waist. I placed my head on her shoulder.  I looked down at my empty plate and began to play with the paper plate it was on. I can't lie. Rain can fucking cook. I hope she's gonna keep cooking, at least until Milly get better. I swear both of them in a kitchen would be so damn crazy.

"I was scared," I said lowly as I felt the tears hit my cheek.

"I'm fine Katrina. Rain came and got me," she said as she rubbed my head.

"What if she didn't find you? I had that thought when she walked in and started slamming shit," I said.

She was scary as fuck. I swear she was gonna kill us too. Hell, Thrill was scary too. They are fucking crazy. I would never cross them like that.

"Did she say she couldn't find me or wouldn't find me?" She asked me.

I sniffled and shook my head no.

"What she say then?" She asked me.

I chuckled and wiped my face as I sat up.

"She grabbed me and tossed me over her shoulder. Then walked me to the pool and threw me in. She held me under and pulled me up. Looked me dead in my soul and said ' get your shit together Katrina. I will get her back but I need you to be a got damn adult for the girls.' Then she drowned me again and walked away when I came back up," I said as Mila smiled.

"I honestly thought about it once. But just as quick as it came it left, when I called her and I heard her voice. I knew she was gonna come get me. I just didn't know how long it would take," she said and sighed.

"Milly. I don't even know how to thank her for bringing you back,"  I said.

"You never will," she said as I watched her smile through her busted lip.

"I will never understand how you can smile through all the shit you been through," I said as I smiled and chuckled lightly.

"I've had practice. Besides I have a reason to," she said as she looked down.

"What reason is that?" I asked her.

"Got damn it London. I know we gotta get ya mama and Trina some too," Rain said.

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