Are you sure?

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Chapter 67
May 1st,2017

"Mrs. Rose, are you sure you want to go?" I asked her as I played with Ra who was sitting on my lap.

"I don't want to but I mean why not? She invited and organized this engagement dinner," she said as I heard her move around the girls room.

"But we are married," I said as London shot me with a dart in the back.

"I know that and so will she," she mumbled.

"Papa!" London said as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Yes London," I said as she turned and looked at me.

"I wanna haircut," she said and smiled at me.

I laughed.

"I think yo mama would kill us," I said.

"My mother would kill me," Mrs. Rose said as she came into view.

"What if I just cut the back off?" I asked her as I looked from a pouting London to a slightly pissed off Mrs. Rose.

I smirked. She shook her head no as I nodded my head yes. I sat Ra down and stood up.

"Rain my mom will have a fit," she said.

"Who just got custody though?" I asked her as her eyes lit up.

"When?" She asked me.

"Officially next month," I said and smirked as she walked over to me.

"How did you find out before me?"

"I'm Rainie Major baby," I said.

She laughed as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arm around her waist. We had only been back for like a week and we have been busy.

"For real Rainie, they ours?" She asked me as she looked at the girls.

"London get off your sisters back," she said.

I smirked and grabbed her ass. She bit her lip and looked up at me.

"London and Mayra will be with us until we die. Yo moms can't do shit about it. All her kids are gone," I said and smiled.

I felt her body tremble as she sighed. She pulled me in closer and tighten the grip around my neck. I wrapped my free arm around her back and placed my hand on her head. She let out a huge breath and her body just relaxed completely. Like I think she may have fainted.

"Jamila,"I said as I rubbed her head.

"Rainie I need a nap," she mumbled.


"I don't know why but after you said that my body kind of felt a weight, that I didn't know was so heavy begin lifted. It's like my body has been on edge the whole time and I didn't realize it," She said lowly.

I chuckled.

"Go lay down and take a nap.  You have been working nonstop like me for a long time," I said as I rocked her side to side.

"Take one with me," she said.

"Okay," I said.

I let her go she looked up at me and tears just cascade down her cheeks as she smiled. Her hands shook as she grabbed my face and pecked my lips repeatedly. I smirked and grabbed her hands.  I pulled her hands from my face and kissed them.

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