Car Chase

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Chapter 89
June 6,2017

"I thought you said we had time?" I asked her as I looked over at her.

"We do, but I also want a lot of birthday sex," she said as she merged into the left lane.

"So you saying you made me rent a room to take a nap in?" I asked her as I raised my eyebrow.

"But did we even nap though," she said.

I laughed and leaned my seat back. She had a point, besides when she makes me hold back... she get this crazy ass hyper side of her. When we got back to the room. She started handing me bags and packing the clothes we had stripped out of into another bag. Next thing I know I was rolling blunts and sitting shotgun in my truck. We had been on the road for like an hour. We had like another 8 to go. But the way we drive it will be more like 4 hours.  She had to be doing at least 110. 

"Papi, how fast does this actually go?" She asked me.

I smirked as she looked over at me and I handed her the blunt. She bit her lip.

"It will make you wet baby," I said as I winked at her and she took the blunt.

"Buckle up then papi," she said as she smirked and placed the blunt to her lips.

I laughed.

"You gonna out run that cop?" I asked her as I spotted him a good 400 yards away.

"If this truck is fast enough," she said.

"I'll be your gps," I said as she handed me the blunt.

I grabbed it from her and sat up. I was gonna test her gangster. I already knew she was a bit. But if she out run this cop. I know she with the shits. And she would kill me if I ever did something out of pocket.

"Go baby," I said as I nodded at the cop and smirked.

"You know I love it when you call me baby right?" She asked me as she looked at me and hit the gas.

"You know I love it when you agree with my shit?" I asked her.

She looked back at the road and and smiled big. Her dimples deepened as I watched the cops lights in the review.

"Yeah I know," she said.

I smirked.

"Slow down to about 90," I said.

"Why?" She asked me.

"Just slow down to 90 and then I want you to speed up and then hit it okay," I said.

She groaned and I felt the car slow down. I smirked and opened the sunroof. I placed the blunt to my lips  and started to stand up.

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