Here we go.

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Bonus chapter:20:
March 4,2017

"You up too?!" I heard Rain say.

"Look I don't know if I get another cookie mama," I heard Rain say as she walked behind me.

She looked backed at me and winked. I laughed and nodded my head.

"Are you faster than London? That's all I need to know," she said as they made their way into the kitchen.

"Go stand by the steps," I said and smirked.

I watched as she raised her eyebrow.

"Mika go stand by the steps before they come running through here like flash," I said and chuckled.

I watched as she slowly nodded her head and got up. She stood by the steps.

"You ready mama?" I heard Rain ask Ra-Ra.

"Uh huh papa!" She whispered yell.

"Alright!" I heard Rain say and before I knew it they were rounding the corner at full speed.

"Got damn Mika," Rain mumbled as she quickly stopped.

I knew she had breaks. I saw that when she was playing ball in her dress shoes. I can only imagine how she plays in some basketball shoes. I smirked at the thought of Rain playing basketball. I have to admit it is nice.

"Why you gotta cookie?"Mika asked them.

"Cause we got cookies," Rain said slowly.

I laughed as Rain looked at me.

'She know we do have cookies right' she mouthed to me quickly.

I laughed my baby was dumb high. But I was to cause I did think it. Just for a bit.

"What? Are you high nigga?" Mika asked as Ra watched the two argue and eat her cookie.

"Anyway, Ra how you not gonna ask if I wanted a cookie?" Mika said as she picked her up.

"Food!" Mayra said and giggled.

I watched as she looked at Rain and her hold body jerk towards the kitchen as she laughed. Me and Rain was use to it but it scared the shit out of Mika.

"That means kitchen please," Rain said and chuckled.

"Well let's go," Mika said as she ran into the kitchen with Mayra.

"PAPA!" London yelled as she started to walk down the stairs.

"Here we go," she mumbled as she stood up and ran up the stairs.

"London! What do you want from me?!" I heard Rain yell back.

"You play ummm..." I heard London trail off.

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