We Forgot

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Jamila Rose
March 2,2017

I watched as Stormie closed the lid on the grill and made her way back inside.  She had some hot links, chicken wings and some hot dogs for the girls cooking on the grill. Everything was starting to smell so damn good. She looked good cooking in front of the grill. I could see use spending a lot time outside by one. I smiled at the thought of it. I watched as glanced at the shrimp and groan.

I also talked her into putting on some shrimp I found in her freezer. She told me that it wasn't a meat, but a condiment. They were sitting on the side in a bowl. I leaned against the counter top of the isle. I was sitting on a stool  in front  is the isle as she stood in front of me and and washed her hands in the sink.

"Don't forget my shrimp," I said and smirked.

She looked up at me and furrowed her eyebrows. Her hair was pulled back into her usual wavy curly ponytail and her undercut was still not cut. I had talked her out of putting on a dress shirt. She was in a black t-shirt she had put on before she started cooking with a pair of navy blue suspenders and some socks with ducks on them.

"Ms. Rose that's not meat. It's an side item," she said and dried her hands on her pants.

"Stop that it's paper towels right here," I said as she looked up from wiping her hands down her soft navy blue pants.

"When did I get paper towels?" She asked me.

I laughed and shook my head.

"How do you make it without me?" I asked her.

I watched as she shrugged her shoulders. She walked over to me and picked me up. I smirked as she carried me from the kitchen to the living room.

"Pure luck," she said as she sat us down on the couch.

"Is that what you call it?" I asked her and ran my hand down the back of her neck.

"Mhmm," she said as she closed her eyes.

"You and these Got damn magic hands," she mumbled as I gently scratched the back of her head.

"You need to cut this baby," I said as she licked her lips and her head followed the movements of my nails scratching her scalp.

"When Thrill comes back I'll get it tighten up," she mumbled.

"I meant all of it. At least for the wedding," I said as she slowly opened her eyes.

"I can do that baby. You gonna keep this Red going?" She asked me as she picked up some of my hair and let it fall strain by strain.

"I might switch it up at some point, but right now I am
Loving the sex it's causing us to have," I said and smirked.

"I mean you are sexy as fuck in red. You know seeing you in it makes me lose my mind," she said as I felt her even more.

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