Lesson 2

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Mrs. Stormie
Chapter 102
June 7,2017

I smirked as I watched her.  She  ran her hand down her mouth and nodded her head. She was being protective and so was I. Old buddy was about to die. I was trying not to speak to my wife through a glass window.

"You buying pants for your husband?" She asked me.

I shook my head no. As she slowly approached me. I eyed her up and down. Her entire posture changed. She was in full Stormie mode.

"My wife," I said as she got 2 feet away from me.

"Oh. Is she here?" She asked me as she looked me up and down.

She was giving me the stare. I hate the stare. That shit pulls me in every time.

"No. She is at home," I said as I looked through some jeans.

She could use some jeans and I need a distraction. I wonder if she stared at me like that when we met. She probably did but it wasn't that deep. Now it's deeper.

"And you not on the phone with her?" She asked me.

I chuckled and shook my head no. That  kind of caught me off guard. I would of been on the phone with her.  It's fun talking to her at the mall. Usually it's her calling me randomly cause I'm a girl as she puts it.

"Why not? You don't talk to ya woman while you shopping?" She asked me.

"Why would I do that? I trust her," I said and looked up  at her as she gave me a half smiled.

"You have a beautiful voice. Besides it's not about trust. It's about just enjoying the company and presence. Besides you could be having a shitty day and need a distraction ," she said and bit down on her bottom lip.

"What are you saying?" I asked and raised my eyebrow.

"I would love to hear  your voice in the morning," she said and chuckled.

I giggled.

"That was corny," I said.

"But it made you giggle, and if you give me your  number I would love to make you laugh and moan anytime of the day," she said quickly as she grabbed my hand.

"I'm married," I said and smirked.

"Oooo my first affair," she said making me laugh.

I bit my lip. I smirked and tapped her  finger.

"Your married too," I said as I tilted me my head and looked up at her.

"And she somewhere around here. But I'll risk  it," she said as she smirked.

"Damn. That's how you do it!" Some old man yelled out.

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