Dont Forget Your Rules

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March 10,2017
Chapter 21

"Why are you in such a rush to get married?!" My mom yelled at me.

She had been trying to talk me into pushing the date back and I wasn't trying to here her shit. I would go marry her right fucking now and nobody will even know it.

"Because I love her and I don't want to spend anymore of the time we have apart. Time is short mommy," I said as I played with engagement ring.

I slowly glanced up at my mom who sat across from me at the kitchen table of my crib. The girls were with my Auntie which I was grateful for. I need a break from them and my mother. Everyday since I showed her the ring she has been having some type of manic episode. One minute she is happy and excited and gold digging. Then she gets angry, hurtful, and just a damn bitter ass bitch. She was stressing me something serious. I ran my fingers through my hair and sighed.

"Mila. Just wait a few more months to make sure. You two only been together what.... a few months? Then what will happen after that? ...The same thing with Booker. You gonna be getting yo ass beat," she said

I raised my eyebrow. She looked at me. This bitch. I wiped my cheek as the tears came flowing. She would bring up some shit like that. Some shit I was almost over then got damn boom. Her she comes with her bullshit.

"I know she use to beat you. But I also knew you wouldn't listen to me," she said.

I felt the tears start to fall faster as I stared into her eyes.

"You knew?" I asked as my voice cracked.

"A mother always knows, besides you probably deserved it I also know you should wait. I do love Rainie and I am happy for you but I don't want you to jump into this like I did," she said.

I wiped my eyes. She fucking knew and didn't try to help me. What the fuck kind of mother is that? Mines. So I shouldn't be so hurt but I am. A parent is supposed to protect and she is to selfish for that. Then she would say I deserved it. I ain't deserve none of that shit. Nobody does. A whooping every now and then, fine. But every other fucking day, or depending on their mood.. it's just no excuse.

"Rainie has never laid a finger on me like Booker did, and I have seen her at her fucking worse. Everything I did that I thought was wrong and I should get my ass beat.. she didn't, some of the shit I've done probably would have gotten me killed if she was like Booker," I said as I stared her dead in her eyes.

I watched as she put her head down and hands up.

"I defended your father like that," she said as she looked at me and sat her hands on the table.

"What do you mean?" I asked her.

I watched as she twisted the cup she had in her hands. Was she talking about my father? Or my pops? Either way I'm sure it was her crazy ass that fucked the shit up. She can't handle affection to well. Plus she has to have something and nothing telling us. Rain swears my mom is either bipolar or she has a split personality. I am starting to believe her.

"Me and your papa married for love. We were happy but things started to change. I started to hate him. Everything about him got on my nerves. He was a good man. But he wasn't the man for me," she said and looked at me and smirked.

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