Stress Reliver

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March 4,2017

I watched as Stormie lit a blunt and inhaled. She exhaled and sighed as she plopped on the couch.

"Maybe I should get Sin to beat her ass," she mumbled.

I smirked and walked over to her.

"I'll take care of it," I said as I kicked her legs apart.

She placed her blunt to her lips and stared at me. I bit my lip as I bent down and unzipped her pants. I got down on my knees and quickly placed her in my mouth. I heard her groan and place her hand on top of my head as I felt her start to grow in my mouth.

"Shit baby," she groaned as I felt her sit up.

I felt her hands move inside my pants. traveled to my ass. I moaned as I felt her quickly insert her finger inside of me.

"Shit," she groaned.

She took her hands out my pants.

"Let daddy see that ass," she said as her voice sent chills down my spine.

It was so deep and raspy. I placed my hands on her thighs and positioned my body. She pulled my sweats down and slapped my ass. I sucked hard as I felt her finger flick against my clit. I tighten my grip. I twirled my tounge around her head.

"Gimme a taste," she said as moved her hands.

She grabbed me by my neck and pulled me up. She kissed me roughed as she stood both us up and turned us around. I kicked off my shoes as she pulled back and quickly took of my shirt and hoodie. I smirked. Her eyes were focused on my breast. I gasped as she quickly grabbed the side of my face and pulled me into a hard kiss. I moaned as I wrapped my arms around her waist. I stepped out of my pants and jumped on her. She caught me and bit down on my clavicle.

"Fuck!" I hissed.

She slapped my ass and started walking us through the house.

"I can't take you on the couch," she mumbled as she jogged up the stairs.

"Why not papi?," I asked as I began to untie her bow tie.

"Not enough room," she said and kicked her bedroom door open.

I pulled her tie off and started to unbutton her shirt. She walked us further into the room and tossed me on the bed. I watched as she got down on her knees.

"Fuck!" I hissed as my legs shook around her head.

"Mmmm shit papi," I moaned as I shook and came.

Her tongue stroke was so vicious right. Now. It was moving against the head of my clit as her fingers separate my lips. I placed my hands on my face as I moaned as she pulled back. My body arched as I squirted. I gasped as I placed my hands on her thighs as she quickly moved in and out of me. I slowly opened my eyes to see her unbuttoning her shirt.

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