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Ms. Rose
Chapter 1
March 1,2017

Rain was passed out on the couch. She had been working none stop for the pass couple of months and I've been away from her for almost 3 weeks. So I have no idea what she has been doing. Don't get me wrong we do talk on the phone and have our nasty facetime moments. But if we don't I do worry about her. Mostly because it's getting close to around that time of year.

I sighed as I watched her sleep. It was only like 1:30 in the afternoon and she was knocked all the way out. I was glad she was getting some sleep. I will be relieved when she ease up on these pills too. I knew she was drained. Emotionally, mentally and physically. I can always tell when she is on them but I can never really tell how much she has taken.

I am picking up on how to distract her from her thoughts at home though. It was really ease because it was simple. Family. That's all she needed. London and Mayra running around the house. Trina walking around high as fuck and on the phone with some little girl and me in the kitchen yelling at them all. But that was taken away few weeks ago, thanks to my damn mother. I sighed as I walked down the aisle to my distraction that I have been missing.

I smirked as I watched her shift and let out a soft grunt. She must still be sore too. They have been on a lot of removals. She also got into a fight a couple of nights ago. I was to damn tired to even ask about it and she had started playing with girls. Imma have to ask her about that later. I smiled the closer I got to her the more I realized she sleeps like a bad ass kid. I knew she was exhausted just by that alone.

Rain has stopped by every night to eat dinner, play with the girls, smoke with me ,listen to me talk shit about my mother, and then hold me until I got sleepy. Then she would leave. It sucked but my mother was making shit difficult for us to really be. I had no idea why my mother was trying to stop me from marrying my joy. Just looking at her sleeping in this funeral home was enough to know it's what I wanted.

I bit my lip and took in her appearance. She was in the black scrub pants I bought her and a yellow scrub shirt. I was tired of her coming over smelling like embalming fluid,weed, and cologne.

I didn't like the smell of the fluid but I didn't mind that mixture of weed and cologne on her. Besides I didn't want the girls to inhale whatever she back there inhaling. Besides I didn't want her to mess up her suits. For whatever reason she has stop wearing her scrubs. I stood at the side of the couch and giggled.

She had one foot on the couch and her knee was almost touching the back couch cushions; her right leg was stretched out . She still had on her brown dress shoes tho. Those are gonna be next. I don't know what the hell she be tracking in either. Even if she does take them off at the door. I'm still not with it. Especially since Mayra is eating shit off the floor.

  I shook my head as her arm covered her face and her hand was stuffed halfway down her scrub pants, I smirked as I notice the bulge she had going on.

" I swear she better be dreaming of fucking me," I mumbled as I stared at my fiancé.

I bit my lip and climbed on top of her body. I laid my chest against hers. My left hand found it way to the side of her face. I smirked and placed small kisses on her neck. I was happy to be around her again. My stress had started to melt away.  I have been so stressed lately. My mom is tripping about me marrying a girl and not giving her grandkids. She was back at my crib since her and her husband are having some issue. I don't know I couldn't be bothered about her relationship shit. I was a little worried about mines.

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