Interview 148: @novemberdreamer

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1. Can you tell me about yourself?There's not much to tell, really. I'm just another girl who's trying to live my life to the fullest. You know, making every moment count and all. I love making new friends and traveling too! There's just so much in the world that I want to see.

2. What inspired you to write?
What inspired me to write? One word - Wattpad. When my friend introduced me to the site, I started reading these amazing stories. Then at one point, I just thought to myself, "Why don't I try and write too?" I did and I loved it!

3. Is writing a hobby or career to you?

Writing is more of a hobby to me. It's just sort of an outlet to vent out anything that goes in this spontaneous head of mine.

4. Do you want your stories to be published one day?That's the goal. One day, I wish to see my story published with people reading it not only on Wattpad, but on real, hard bound books too! So, at least, I could say I left some mark of myself in this world and feel that i've accomplished something big.

5. What do you do when you aren't writing?If i'm not writing then i'm probably watching movies and tv series. I also read a lot of stories here on Wattpad. And when i'm not being a lazy bum, I swim or take afternoon jogs.

6. If you could spend the day with one of your characters who would it be and what would you do? Oh, that's a good question. If I could spend one day with one of my characters, it would definitely be with my book's main character, Alex. I think she'd be fun to be with and she's always so spontaneous and carefree. I just love to surround myself with people that has that kind of attitude. Where there's never a dull moment and you guys are just goofing around, escaping reality for a little bit.

7. How much of the book is realistic? Well, let's be honest, my book is not that realistic since it's teen fiction and revolves around the life of Alex being thrown into a world of puffy gowns, crowns, and duties of being a Princess. But I always try to add something more to the story to make it seem more realistic and relatable to teens like you and me.

8. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? Most of it is based on my imagination, I guess. And maybe a little bit of myself and my life experiences too.

9. What is your main goal with writing books?I just want people to enjoy reading my book. Then maybe, if everything goes well, I will be able to publish my book. That would definitely be a dream come true!

10. What job did you want to be as a kid? As a kid, I remembered wanting to become a doctor. But as time went by, I realized I didn't really think things through. Because doctors would have to see blood. And well, I'm afraid of blood. So... Bye bye dreams of being a doctor! Lol.

11.Do you ever experience writer's block?
Always! (Which is why my updates take so long. Haha!)

12. Do you work with an outline, or just write?I do have an outline. But, just snippets of how I want the story to go.

13. Imagine your main character dies on page one. Everything else remains the same. Describe the new plot to your book.Oh, that's hard. And quite frankly, I wouldn't know how the story would progress without quirky, fun and badass Alex. I mean, it's all in the title "Princess Badass". What would that be if your one and only princess badass (Alex) would just die on page one?

14. Where do the your ideas come from? My imagination (and my childhood fantasies of becoming a princess). Haha! But seriously, I just thought of this story plot while I was on the shower.

15. What is the hardest thing about writing?Experiencing writers block and lack of motivation :/

16. Will you have a new story coming out soon? If so can you tell us about it?

Nah, not yet. I'm actually just concentrating on one story until I complete it.

17. What was the hardest part of writing your book?   Experiencing writers block and lack of motivation :/   

18.Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? I have definitely learned a lot. I still am. I learned that perfection can never be achieved since there's no such thing as "perfect". All I ever want is to improve my writing to satisfy my readers.

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Hey there, lovely readers (old and new)! Thanks for all your support and hopefully, you'll continue supporting my story. I love all of you (active and silent readers, alike)! I hope you guys enjoy reading my book as much as I enjoy writing it c:

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?To fellow writers out there, keep on writing! Don't let criticisms or negative comments bring you down. If you love writing, then keep on doing it! It's okay to make mistakes as long as we learn to correct them.

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