Interview 68: EmilyDruce

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1. Can you tell me about yourself?

My name's Emily (hi!) and I'm only fifteen years young. I'm a very English girl and am told I actually have a really posh accent. My list of many problems includes bad eyesight and the ability to find trouble everywhere. There's never not a bruise somewhere on my body. Oh, and books might as well be my boyfriend for life!

2. What inspired you to write?

 I've been writing so long I can't actually think back to what made me start. I remember in my infant school (around five years of age) they used to make us complete these sheets where you had to draw a picture and write something about it and I used to spend hours sat with my mum doodling one of those pretty pictures that are really a horse-that's-supposed-to-be-a-dog thing. When I got to like seven years old the real work started at school and I started writing. I joined Wattpad like two or three years ago and haven't not been on it a day since.

3. Is writing a hobby or career to you?

 Writing is definitely a career. At first it was a hobby and something to do with my time that actually used my crazy imagination but my plan is to move to New York and work for one of those really big newspapers as a journalist - watch out for my name! My hope is to publish at least one book before I die!

4. Do you want your stories to be published one day?

Yes. As I said above, my wish is to have at least one book published before I die. When that is I guess I won't know. I'm a big believer in fate so I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

5. What do you do when you aren't writing?

I usually read. I'm in my last year of secondary school here in England so a lot of work too. Recently I've been applying to lots of sixth forms for my "junior" and "senior" years. My books are basically my boyfriends so I'm either stuck behind a paperback or my kindle. Seriously, when they invented that device I nearly died from joy.

6. If you could spend the day with one of your characters who would it be and what would you do?

If I could spend a day with one of my characters I’d definitely pick Damon from Diary of a Love Struck Fool. I love myself a bad boy in a book and he is my perfect guy: taller than me, dark haired and handsome! I’d probably force him to the cinema like in my book and make him pay for me then hope there’s a crazy ex at my house so he can protect me afterwards! ;)

7. How much of the book is realistic? 

I consider all of my books realistic in some way. I like to write about real life situations even if they are coated in complete fiction. In Diary of a Love Struck Fool I consider the issue of Abusive Relationships which is very personal to me and in More Than Known I talk about teen pregnancy and the loss of loved ones.

8. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? 

Neither, really. I base them on issues I hear about that affect me and make me feel emotional. They’re the best kind of stories because books are supposed to make you feel - even if it is in love with the male character!

9. What is your main goal with writing books?

To make something I like writing and that the readers like reading – if I don’t like writing it is there really any point? Anyway, I like to live in books! It’s better than real life because it can end any way you want!

10. What job did you want to be as a kid? 

I wanted to be a teacher. And then I found out how much work there was when I went to school and moved onto writing. I like the idea of having a job and then getting married and moving to the countryside to live in a cottage and write with my brood around me!!

11.Do you ever experience writer’s block?

All. The. Time.

12. Do you work with an outline, or just write?

I just write. I sometimes jot a few things down but the best writing comes from your heart and not from your head – that sounded kind of philosophical.

13. Imagine your main character dies on page one.  Everything else remains the same.  Describe the new plot to your book.

 So the main character dies on page 1. Well, I’d probably be sneaky and make that the prologue. And then “Chapter 1” would be a one week earlier thing and I’d describe what lead up to her death! And then I’d describe the death and then afterwards – if you’ve ever read Thirteen Reasons Why, then something like that.

14. Where do the your ideas come from?

They usually come in class, to be honest which is really annoying because teachers just don’t get that I need a piece of paper to write down an idea that’s going to be a bestseller one day! I can seriously get ideas from anything – ANYTHING!

15. What is the hardest thing about writing?

Writers Block – because it’s the worst kind of feeling. Or really wanting to get to a certain chapter but having to do filler ones first – it’s a necessity but it still makes it sucky!

16. Will you have a new story coming out soon? If so can you tell us about it?

I’m actually a little addicted to murder mysteries at the moment and I’m thinking about one at the moment. I just uploaded a new one about an around the world trip that’s going to be pretty cool I think – not to blow my own trumpet.

17. What was the hardest part of writing your book? 

Trying to make the demands of readers – us Wattpad folk sure can get into a story.

18.Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

I learnt lots from writing including that I was rubbish at it to start with. But with practice comes perfect and I’m getting there slowly. I’ve learnt not to rush things and take my time and not to feel pressured because I don’t feel like writing when I’m not in the mood. Sometimes my “slumps” take over and I’ve got to let them until I feel like writing again.

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

THANK YOU! (and I love you) [and you’re seriously amazing] {and I’m sorry for all the commas!}

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?

In the words of Dory from Finding Nemo, “Just keep swimming”.

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