Interview 78: XSoulDreamerX

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1. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Um...let’s see. So I'm a teenager girl who's most of her life spends it in a place that shall not be named (school, opps XD). I am really random sometimes and I'm a positive person. I LOVE watching movies and I am full of wanderlust!

2. What inspired you to write?

What inspired me to write are movies! Probably weird to other people but not to me. It was another way of watching a movie for me, and since I couldn't literally make a movie I wanted I would try and write it. Writing/reading books and watching movies are both another way of escape the real world :D

3. Do you have a specific writing style?

 I don't think I do. I don't think I really play much attention to the style, mine or others, expect of course if it’s really good and I just can't help noticing it.

4. How did you come up with the titles?

 I try to think of something’s that relate to the story and that also sound interesting. I sometimes could be at school or somewhere and the story title pops into my head. You just have to play around with words.

5. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

Well, in one of my books there is no real message since I had wrote that years ago with no true meaning and just purely for fun. I probably will try and have a message, even though I don’t know what yet, and hope people read into the lines and realize it.

6. How much of the book is realistic?

Well if it’s like a normal book I would try and keep it realistic as possible, however it’s not always easy if I haven’t been in such a situation, but for books that involve magic, fantasy and adventure I will try to keep it realistic (even though I probably get carried away and fail XP)

7. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

Some, but not many. I'm still waiting for my adventure to start :)

8. What books have most influenced your life most?

I don’t know….I guess there are a few but the one that comes first to mind is probably series of confessions of a shopaholic (love those books so funny!) and The Hobbit.

9. What book are you reading now?

Well on wattpad I just finished ‘Stupid Cupid’ but still don’t know what next and outside wattpad I’m hoping to start reading the John Green books!

10. Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

@lostinareverie! Even though she isn’t exactly new, she’s probably the most recent.

11. What are your current projects?

 'Dear Johnny' is now already finished, so that doesn’t count. However, my now current books are 'It's Me', 'Dark Night's Aura' and 'Behind The Scene'.

12. Do you see writing as a career?

Yeah totally.

13. Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?

Writing the description. It's just because I'm not really into it when people are describing how a place looks like and things like that. I don't mind a basic one but I really get bored quickly when they just keep describing. So I guess that's what I find the most challenging.

14. Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

 I don’t have a favourite author, I like too many!

15. Who designed the covers?

 I do (Even though I'm planning to get someone to make me one for one of my books if possible)

16. What was the  easiest part of writing your book?

 I think the dialogue. I find the talking the most amusing in books, so I tend to enjoy it the most and find it the easiest.

17. What was the hardest part of writing your book? 

Let's see....uh the writing bit!! Haha, it's annoying when you have a great idea and you know exactly how it's going to go, but then you sit down to write it....and you can't! You don't know if you should do it one way or the other. Or maybe there's something you are trying to say or show but you don't know how to do it so the reader gets the same idea.

18.Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?

Uh…I don’t think I have learnt anything from my books since I’m still a beginner. But I have definitely learned from other stories and authors.

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?

Well, let’s see if I actually do have any readers (lol XD), THANK YOU of course! Thanks to everyone who reads, votes, comments or follows me or any of my books, it really does mean a lot. Readers think that writers just say that, but we truly do mean it! So thanks :) xx

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?

My advice would be write what you want, not what others want. Write something that you would want to read. There's no point in writing a bad boy story just because it’s popular but you don't enjoy it! And most importantly (okay that's a lie. Two more important things) don’t give up and always believe in your writing and ability, whatever anyone else might say!

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