Interview 108: BieberBubbles

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1. Can you tell me something about yourself?

 I am an independent person, i'm not a very social person however i like it because it gives me time to do some things i enjoy like writing and designing.

2. What inspired you to write? 

A few years ago I saw a link to wattpad on my twitter feed, i clicked it to see a story which at the time was very popular and decided to read, I figured I had always wanted to write without being judged and felt like nobody would be able to mock me face to face for doing something like this, so I went for it.

3. One of main character commits a crime.  Describe how and why. 

Depending on the situation, and where this event occurred, it would probably have been either greed or jealousy, and harsh of course, no crime is a sweet thing.

4. If you could have any one of your characters become a real person, who would it be and what would you do?

It would probably be Scarlet from Bullied, and I say this because even though at first she was that girl who would never stick up for herself at any situations, she was the girl who was never happy, this was the type of character that annoyed people looking through the comments haha, but if you read on you would see how she overcame her fears by figuring out the fact that fighting for her rights was the only way she could ever be happy, and as the writer that's the message I wanted to put across to the readers. If Scarlet was a real person I would never let go of her as a friend, she's truly strong and definitely the kind of person I would want to keep me down to earth if I was having stupid moments.

5. Is writing a hobby or career to you?

Writing is definitely a hobby to me at the moment, I'm nowhere close to even be classified as a 'good' writer, I'm pretty sure it's not just me but as much as I love writing, i'm not good enough haha, but maybe in the future I may change my mind, who knows!

6. Do you want your stories to be published one day?

 It would be a dream come true if my stories ever got published! But I would feel very self conscious since I probably have more people in reality who dislike me than actually like, so I would be a bit scared if they made fun of me or something!

7. What do you do when you aren't writing?

When i'm not writing I usually spend time on twitter after I come home from school, then I usually study since my finals have technically started, and once i'm with everything I get onto wattpad and look for stories to read, i love reading!

8. What is your main goal with writing books?

My goal is to make people happy, and see them enjoy themselves when reading my stories, i'm grateful for all the votes and views but that doesn't motivate me to write more, if I see a comment which is positive, I feel like that's when I know i'm doing something right.

9. What books have most influenced your life most?

To be honest, a lot of books have inspired me though none have managed to influence my life because most of the time I don't relate to them, I just pick up things and ideas which maybe in the future I would be able to relate to, this is probably because i'm a good 5 years younger than the characters in what I read haha.

10. What job did you want to be as a kid? 

Hahaha, as a kid I wanted to be a musician, I would see people busking and want to be like them, instruments used to amaze me until I figured it was pretty boring.

11.Do you ever experience writer’s block?

Most of the time, writers block is the issue, I experience it way too much.

12. Do you work with an outline, or just write?

 I dont work with an outline, I usually have a rough idea in my head and then make things up as I go.

13. Do you see writing as a career?

 I don't see writing as a career at all, It's just something I love doing in my spare time.

14. Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

 My favourite author is Jean Ritchie because the way she writes and creates suspense is amazing!

15. Are any of your stories based off true events? 

 Some parts of my story 'Bullied' are based on things that have happened to me in the past.

16. What inspired you to write fanfics? 

The writer Julie13 on wattpad inspired me to write fanfics! Her fanfic 'I fell in love with my enemy' was the very first fanfic I had read on wattpad and i was stunned to see that people online can write better than actual authors haha!

17. What advice would to give someone being bullied? 

 If someone was being bullied i wouldn't give them advice, giving advice to someone doesn't help. It's like telling someone to stay strong, like no that doesn't get rid of all problems, it doesn't make the bullies stop and regret what they're doing wrong. I would help the victim, stick up for them and stand up to the bullies, you shouldn't be afraid of getting involved, you're doing something which could most probably save that person ignoring the fact that they could be mentally effected by the bullies. But never just advice, I would get more and more people involved until the bullies got punished, or even better, were pushed into the victim's shoes to see how it feels to be bullied.

18.Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? 

From writing my book I realized that it doesn't matter what you do, even if it doesn't effect anyone in a bad way, not everybody is going to like you and you have to accept that.

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 

 I want to thank my readers for completely changing my life, I couldn't be more grateful for having them they mean so much to me and their support is incredible, i love them so much, i'll always be there for them.

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?

My advice to other writers out there is to never give up no matter how bad they think they may be. Everyone is talented, it just takes a lot of courage to put it out there. Never give up on yourself.

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