Interview 22: Lexipedia

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1. Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
Okay I suck at the ones where I talk about myself. Well, my name is Alexandria Annalaise Callahan. I hate Alexandria though so I tell everyone it's Alexis. They shorten it to Lexi?Lex. I'm majoring in Economics. Other than I am crazy about theatre - it's practically my lifeline. That, and writing, obviously. I like mildly racist jokes (note : JOKE. No actual racism tolerated), I have a dirty mind and a heart of gold ^_^

2. What inspired you to write?
People. Everyday people who are just stuck in this whole whirl of life feeling a lot less significant than they actually are or a lot more. People never, ever feel exactly the way they should feel or in the right amount. Ever. That is what inspires me to write. That and I'm a bit of a control freak. I like to make my own little world. 

3. Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
J. K. Rowling - a childhood favourite. Her work touches me. Actually, I've read Casual Vacancy and I didn't fancy it too much so I should say Harry Potter touches me. I grew up with it. It was my bedtime story, the movie I'd watch all the fucking time like a mad woman, the Halloween costume. I remember being really, REALLY upset on my eleventh birthday because my letter from Hogwarts didn't come. I really believe I'd be a different person - and not someone I would've liked - had I not had these books in my life.

4.   How did you come up with the titles of your stories? 
Oh that's the most random shit ever. I am terrible at titles - just horrific. I usually hate what I pick but never change it for the fear of people not being able to track it down again or something.

5. Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? 
Yes. I want people to realise that they get to be them once - and only once. I get one chance to be Lexi. Who knows if I'll be born again, let alone be born as me, allowing me to reshape my life? What if this is your one chance to write a cosmic tale attached to the core of your identity? Fall in love. Be angry. Be happy. Feel things. Allow yourself to be sad at times - it's only fucking natural.  
This is your story. Make it a damn good read.

6. How much of the book is realistic? 
If by realistic you mean if they can happen to someone in real life then yes, all of it. 

7. Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? 
Most of it - no. But in Raising Hell, the main character has 5 brothers. Like myself. Since she has my name, I couldn't imagine her without the pack, ha. Changed my oldest brother's name though. I prefer Elliot.

8. While writing do you listen to music? If so what and why? 
Rarely. I like to completely focus. This one time I listened to After Midnight by Blink-182 on repeat during a chapter and that's it.

9.  What job did you want to be as a kid?

10. What is your main goal with writing books?
To enjoy myself and to entertain. People lead hard lives, man. They love a good distraction. Also, I have all these ideas in my head just bouncing around, screaming to be pushed out of my mouth in an utter word vomit. Like just last week, I posted a chapter of my upcoming book Snow and then I deleted it because the weight of the ideas was quite literally smothering me. I jotted down the points and set it to breathe. Will look at it once RH is complete. 

11. Do you ever experience writer’s block?
Oh, all the time. I have this enormous one with We The Chipmunks going on right now. It's horrendous. But I know it will pass so it doesn't bother me. 

12.  Do you work with an outline, or just write?
An outline. I need to know where my story is going. Like, as of now, I have an ending for both RH and WTC perfected to the dot in my head. Obviously, it's subject to major changes. But you get the gist - I like my outlines. But sometimes to have an outline you need to start randomly writing. Random writing is the best cure for writer's blocks. It's like, in acting, sometimes you get stuck in a rut once you get the script. So the role starts to seem forced. In such a case, we get into our respective characters and instead of doing what's in the script we improvise. We improvise till we get comfortable with our character and believe me, the CRAZIEST, TIGHTEST, AWESOMEST shit comes from these improvisations. Same for writing. You get stuck in a rut with your characters - you underestimate their ability to fuck shit up and create a magnificent story.

13. Imagine your main character dies on page one. Everything else remains the same. Describe the new plot to your book.
For RH - If Lexi dies, Jay wouldn't go to the wedding. Addison would cancel the wedding and go to Lexi's funeral. Jake will tag along and finds out that the dead best friend is Victoria. He's crushed and shocked and he leaves the country for a year, trying to figure out why this is hitting him so hard. He meets Lexi's family member's - her brothers without telling them his real identity. Just with random changing names to see how they were doing. To find out a little about the one that got away. He realises he's in love - he was in love the moment they met. He got a amazing, unbelievable night from this wonderful woman that he never met again and she made him realise that his life was laid out before him. Made for him to live. It took him another six months but he moved on. He returned to New York, took over the business from Wilfred and made a name for himself.  He fell in and out of love a lot of times after that but there was a weight in his chest. A weight of curiosity and a lifetime of wondering "what if". 
In WTC - Elliot would be greeted by a home filled with strangers wearing black clothes. Erik would find him and take him back to the Child Care Services. They would take him to the family he was supposed to go to initially. 
^ I just came up with that like, RIGHT now. I was kinda going to cry after the RH one. By the way if they're dying, I wish they die  driving off a cliff in a Porsche and being eaten by the great white shark. That's the awesomest death ever.

14. What do you do when you are not writing?
Acting. Eating. Sleeping. Spending time with my boyfriend. Sex is the good stuff guys, but you should wait till you're like 16, at least. I'd be super depressed if I had given it up to some creep at a party four years ago when I could've given it up to the wonderful man I did give it up to. 

15. Do you see writing as a career or a hobby?
I see writing as a career option later in life. I actually do happen to adore Economics so I wouldn't mind a career in that either. Writing is something I want to attempt to make a career out of later in my life. 

16. Will you have a new story coming out soon? If so can you tell us about it? 
Yes. I am coming out with a new novel titled Snow. It'll be a short one but hopefully it will make you realise how incredibly real the dangers of climate change are. It's go a shitload of romance but it has a serious undertone to it. Much like WTC.

17. What was the hardest part of writing your book? 
RH - getting the will to think of new situations. RH is a very paced book. Something you read under the covers, fast as you can go, and you look up and shit IT'S THREE IN THE MORNING BUT YOU HAVE TO KEEP READING BECAUSE THEY ARE GONNA KISS. Situations like these. You have to think of them. You have to keep thinking. 
For WTC coming up with feelings. I have never been anything remotely close to a parent - not even a babysitter for a fucking cat. So this book is really, really hard for me to write. I am a bit out of my depth here but I love WTC to bits. And I will not stop before finishing it.  

18. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? 
I learnt that my god, I SUCK. I actually learnt how to write WELL after I joined wattpad. I owe a lot to this website. And I learn that you need to let it go and just chill out. And that, mate is one of the hardest fucking things to ever do. But you have to. 

19. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 
I love you all. ALL OF YOU. TO TINY, LITTLE BITS YOU AMAZING MENTAL ARSES. Your support has been like an overwhelming tide. Every read count, every vote is just like a rush of awe. And do not even get me started about comments. I would thank every person who has commented on any of my stories personally and hug them if I could. I love you guys. Thank you for sticking with me. You're the best bloody readers ever. :*

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?
Write when you want, what you want. You are the master of the universe you create and not a single bloody arse in this fucking world can take that away from you. No one. Revel in the power. And enjoy life, my lovies :*

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