Interview 15: TaintedRain

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1. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself? 
 Hahaha, well I write stuff for starters.  Um, I write most of the time, and if I'm not writing than I'm either editing, story planning, or reading.  That or watching movies.  I don't mind being alone, and I like to look optimistically about pretty much everything.  Oh!  And I have a library for a closet, hehehe.

2. What inspired you to write? 
 I dunno, it's just always something I've loved to do.  Usually a story plot comes forth through questions starting with "What if?"  But basically a story idea can come from anything.

3. What’s the earliest memory you have of writing a story?
First grade.  I had to write a story for class, and I wrote a story about an octopus family.  The brother octopus was being very mean to the little sister.  What a jerkface, bro.

4. What is your least favorite part of the writing process?
The editing.  It's not the editing itself that bugs me; it's the rereading the story over and over again and eventually only seen the fault in it.  It becomes so hard to have faith in your story when you're constantly looking for what's wrong with it, not what's good.  Siiiggh.

5. Where do you get your ideas?
Everything.  It's very inconvenient at times, hahaha.

6. Do you have a specific writing style?
 I guess.  I tend to write in the same style for most, if not all, my stories.  I don't mean to have a certain style but as you write more I guess it just forms itself?  I dunno, it's weird.

7. How did you come up with the title?
 Usually they just pop into my head, but sometimes I actually have to sit and think about them. 

8. Who designed the covers?
Either me or IsaSecret.  The cover for Man Hunt was made my SimplySteph.

9. What do you do when you are not writing?
Editing, plotting (scrivener is so beautiful), reading, watching TV, making trailers, making covers, chatting, being a bum, eating food, uuuh, maybe hanging out with friends (hahahaha).

10. How did you come up with the title?
 O: you asked that already.

11. What does your family think of your writing?
I don't let my family read my writing.  I'm self-conscious like that, haha.

12. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
That I actually enjoy being at, hahahah.  This is only on sadder chapters, and people screaming at me and calling me names is honestly like the best thing ever.  I sit there and laugh and like die and just I don't even know.  As my good friend Riley would say: Your tears make me stronger.
On a more serious note, the fact that I get yelled at shows how much they actually care about the characters I've created.  It's insane to think that you have the power to make people FEEL something.  It's amazing, really.

13. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I've started many, many books but I've completed 5 so far.  My favorite really depends on my mood.  Sometimes it's Faking Delinquency, sometimes it's Playing Therapist.  Other times it's Man Hunt or Empathy.  I dunno.

14. What other books are similar to your own?  What makes them alike?
I've never been asked this question before, ha.  Um let's see . . . well my upcoming book, Solicitude, is being compared to my friend's story, Lakehouse (which you should totally read).  They say this because in both a sibling is being kidnapped and the other sibling is going after them.  Man Hunt is constantly being compared to The Hunger Games because people are running around getting killed

15. Do you have any unique talents or hobbies?
 Um, writing I guess.  I wish I could draw, man.

16. Where do you gather most of the inspiration for your works?
My head.  I just sit there and think stuff.

17. What was the hardest part of writing your book? 
 Detail and remembering stuff.  Detail is my crutch and if I take too long to update I actually have to reread some stuff to remember some information, hahaha.

18.Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? 
 I've learned about time.  Not time management, but how hard it is to construct time in the novel.  When writing Faking Delinquency I had to think about summer and how long the vacation was.  It can be really hard sometimes.

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 
Thank you for sticking through with my sporadic updating schedule, and I appreciate all the support.  Seriously, comments make my day!

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?
 Don't give up because of lack of reads and don't rush the romance. (:
thank you! :3

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