Interview 31: smilingpeople

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1. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself?

Let’s see: I’m a sarcastic little shit, who, according to everyone, doesn’t see her potential. Oh and I eat pop tarts religiously – cinnamon only. I’m currently obsessed with Evan Peters face and I’m firm supporter of the highly acclaimed ‘Drugs Not Hugs (Don’t Touch Me, You Fucking Twit)’ campaign. 

2. What inspired you to write?

Any time I was alone when I was little, I’d make up stories in my head. It got so fun that I started doing it all the time - even when people were talking to me. It was just, imagining all those scenarios and endless possibilities, that only I could envision and create, inspired me. 

3. Do you see yourself in any of the characters? 

Plenty of them. That’s really the only way I connect with them. 

4. Do you listen to music while you write? If so what?

Usually piano instrumental on low. 

5. Would you call yourself a wattpad celebrity? Why so or why not?

Uh, excuse you, honey, I’m a famous everywhere. Better recognize. (jk please don’t kick me my egos not that big) Lol no but I don’t. I don’t really call anyone else a celebrity either because it kind of gives up the human part of them (which people, really, really, need to remember),  and succumbs them to something they’re not. They’re just people; brilliant people at that. 

6. What were your favorite books when you were growing up?

I fucking loved ‘Baby mouse’; she reminded me so much of me with her brattiness and ability to pull herself from reality and make her life into little stories. Other than that, I’d probably say ‘the Adventures of Huck and Finn’ and ‘Island of the Blue Dolphins’.  

7. Who does your covers? If you do, what programs do you use? 

I had a couple of professional covers, but I decided I like them simpler. I use ipiccy and ribbet, mostly. 

8.  When naming your characters, do you give any thought to the actual meaning?

Nope. It’s usually anything that sticks in my head at the moment.

9. What books have most influenced your life most?

The Motherfucking Outsiders; I don’t even want to really talk about it, oh god. Oh and the Great Gatsby, of course. 

10. What job did you want to be as a kid? 

Haha, um, the job where people give me money for doing nothing; I was just as lazy of a shit then as I am now.  I think the worst part about me is that I aspire to do absolutely nothing everyday. At least I don't fail lol

11. Do you ever experience writer’s block?

All the time. I basically think it stems from me not getting up and getting my ass to work; the longer I don’t write, the harder it is to get myself back to it. 

12. Do you work with an outline, or just write?

I usually spend way too much time on outlines and I end up getting bored of the story and moving on but if I just write, it never feels thought out enough and I scrap the story. I’m in between. 

13. Do you see writing as a career?

Not now; I’m a piss poor writing who can never complete a book. Even if I did get better, I just couldn’t see it. It seems like it’d take the fun out of it. 

14. Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

F Scott Fitzgerald; he was just insanely talented and make me really think when I read his stories. 

15. Who designed the covers? If you do, what programs do you use?

I do. I use ipiccy and ribbet, mostly. 

16. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Actually getting up and doing it. I’m so lazy. 

17. How did you discover wattpad? How has it influenced your life? 

I was actually on figment first (way worse of a writer then), and I’m going to be honest, most of the people there were kind of pretentious and unfriendly – or that’s how I felt. I enjoy the family feeling Wattpad holds. It helped me meet some the best people, connect me to AMAZING and realize how much I love writing. 

18. Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? 

How quick life can change. How you always think you’re doing the right thing and it comes back to bite you in the ass. 

19. Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 

You guys are my fucking family (too late I don't care if you don't want to be) and I love you. Seriously, thank you. If you ever need anything I’m here. Stay gold. 

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?

If you don’t love it, don’t do it.

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