Interview 42: polaris_

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1. Can you tell me something about yourself?

My name is Kimberly, and I have a seriously bad addiction to iced coffee. Haha

2. What inspired you to write? 

Honestly, I can't remember when I began writing, but I got serious about writing when I was going through some really difficult stuff in my life. Which definitely provoked inspiration.

3. One of main character commits a crime.  Describe how and why. 

 I'd probably make them an arsonist. Because there's something about cleansing a place that they need, or something bad happened at the place of the incident. 

4. If you could have any one of your characters become a real person, who would it be and what would you do?

I usually don't give my characters names, I write most of my stories in poetic format and I want them to be able to be someone the readers can identify with rather than them being someone else. But probably the girl from my story "North" on my other account,@mintsmoke 

5. Is writing a hobby or career to you?

 Definitely a hobby.

6. Do you want your stories to be published one day?

Maybe, I'm more of a poetry and prose writer, but it'd be amazing if those got published!

7. What do you do when you aren't writing?

 I'm at college, half-asleep. And that's the truth lol.

8. What is your main goal with writing books?

To have them be honest, I want someone to come out from reading it with tears streaming down their face and a smile and I want them to not know the reason why. That's my goal, to get such a strong emotional response that it completely blind-sides the reader.

9. What books have most influenced your life most?

perks of being a wallflower, if i stay, cracked up to be, and fall for anything.

10. What job did you want to be as a kid? 

A Marine Biologist.

11.Do you ever experience writer’s block?

Pretty much all the time.

12. Do you work with an outline, or just write?

 I always start with a stream of conscious and unedited piece, from there I will occasionally edit, but not always.

13. Do you see writing as a career?

For others, yes, for myself, I'm not that confident in my abilities to pursue it as a career.

14. Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?

Courtney Summers, the author of fall for anything. She really has a clear perspective on teen angst, which I love, and isn't afraid to drop the word "fuck" more than once in a paragraph (which I admire. Haha.)

15. Who designed the covers?

Of my pieces of hers? I don't know who designed hers.

16. What was the hardest part of writing your book?

Well, like I said, all my 'stories' are written in verse, so I think the hardest part is attracting an audience, most people don't like reading poetry even though writing a story in free verse poetry is usually vastly different.

17. What was the easiest part of writing your book?

 Nothing is ever easy with writing anything haha 

18.Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it? 

 Be yourself, don't try to change your original idea just because you think you'll gain more readers.

19.Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? 

That they're beautiful human beings and I love them!

20. Do you have any advice for other writers?

Never get an ego, but also don't be insecure. Find the middle ground, and you'll continue to improve all the time.

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