It's Complicated ✔️

By ambivertreader

7.2M 239K 21.6K

They are married, but not a couple. . . They are Husband and Wife, but complete strangers. . . What will happ... More

Author's note
Chapter 1: Unusual Married Life
Chapter 2: Business deal
Chapter 3: Bestie Therapy
Chapter 4: From Happy to Frustrated
Chapter 5: One Week, Three Meetings
Chapter 6: It's A Deal
Chapter 7: Knights are for princesses
Chapter 8: Nathan's house, not my home.
Chapter 9: You don't like her, because you don't know her!
Chapter 10: Mr.Grey is Mr.Knight's role model
Chapter 11: Change Of Behavior
Chapter 12: Reunion Part 1
Chapter: 14 How dare you touch her?
Chapter: 15 Secret Admirer
Chapter: 16 My Boyfriend?
Chapter: 17 Agonizing Memory
Chapter: 18 A New Day
Chapter: 19 Bodyguard
Chapter: 20 Cutie Pie
First Award :)
Chapter: 21 Mrs.Nathan Knight
Chapter: 22 Speechless
Chapter: 23 Bonded By Vows
Chapter: 24 Giant Nanny
Chapter: 25 I've got you
Chapter: 26 I Am Too Good For You
Chapter: 27 First Kiss
Chapter: 28 Acting Differently
Chapter: 29 Your Girlfriend
Author's Note
Chapter: 30 Get Out!
Chapter: 31 My Dead Relationship
Chapter:32 Take Me Away
Chapter: 33 She Left Me
Chapter: 34 She Knows Everything
Chapter: 35 Owen Is Dead
Chapter: 36 Shoot That Bastard
Chapter: 37 You Lost Her Trust
Chapter: 38 They Are Here
Chapter:39 This Is It
Chapter:40 Don't Leave Me
Chapter: 41 Do not die!
Chapter: 42 I Miss You
Chapter: 43 Fifty Shades Of Grey
Chapter: 44 I Have Changed
Chapter:45 We Aim To Please
Chapter: 46 Goodbye
Chapter: 47 Abigail Loved Me
Chapter: 48 Hope and Determination
Chapter: 49 Little Progress
Chapter: 50 Just Ogling You
Chapter: 51 Are you possessed?
Chapter: 52 My Stupidity
Chapter: 53 Feelings Are Imperishable
Chapter: 54 Pure
Chapter: 55 I Love You
Chapter: 56 Queen
Chapter: 57 Trial And Error
Chapter: 58 Valentine's Day
Chapter: 59 I Am Happy
Chapter: 60 Fear
Chapter: 61 I Am Here
Chapter: 62 My Family
Chapter: 63 You Are Bothering Me
Chapter: 64 The Ring
Chapter: 65 Playroom
Chapter: 66 He Is Mine
Chapter: 67 Hash Brownies
Chapter: 68 Our Future
Chapter: 69 My Favorite Cupcake
Chapter: 70 Daddy's Pride
Chapter: 71 I Vow
Thank You!
Special Bonus Chapter: I never trouble her.
Bonus Chapter:1 Kisses
Bonus Chapter:2 Second Home
Bonus Chapter:3 Little Secret
Bonus Chapter:4 Part Of You
Bonus Chapter:5 Baby Mama
One Million Reads!!!
Bonus Chapter:6 Memories
Nominated For Fiction Awards 2019
Fiction Awards 2019
Bonus Chapter:7 You are just jealous.
Bonus Chapter:8 The Shopping
Bonus Chapter: 9 My Abigail
Something Extra
Bonus Chapter: 10 It's Time
Bonus Chapter: 11 Being A Dad
Bonus Chapter: 12 My cute little, Pooper
It's Complicated is now on Inkitt, too.
Bonus Chapter: 13 Pajama Party
Bonus Chapter: 14 I Told You So
Bonus Chapter: 15 Bloody vultures!
Bonus Chapter: 16 Lil Gentleman
New Announcement!
New Story Is Up!
🎊Celebrations Time!🎊
Please Read!
It All Started With I Do (New Story)

Chapter: 13 Reunion Part 2

84.9K 3.1K 197
By ambivertreader

This chapter is dedicated to sonalpatildattatray, the sweetest person I have met on the Wattpad. 


"Well hello Olivia, I didn't see you were still must be strange to be a part of people like us."

People like us?! Who is she some royalty??

She's definitely a bitch. Thank God! My bitch alert is working perfectly fine.

"I thought to give you company, so you don't feel lonely," She smiles extremely fake sweet smile.

"No thanks, Megan. I have a perfect company," Olivia looks at me, "and I am enjoying it quite well."

Oh, so bitch has a name!

Olivia excuses herself and signs me to come along, we go and sit on the couch near the glass wall.

"She finds it entertaining to talk to me like that, as I don't come from an affluent background," There is a sad smile on Olivia's face as she glances at Megan.

"Liam loves you, right?" I ask her

" Yes, very much and I love him too," Her whole face brightens at the mention of Liam.

"Then it doesn't matter what she or other thinks. You came here for him, that's all," I place a reassuring hand on her arm," Money is not everything. You are lucky you found someone whom you love and he also reciprocates your feelings," I wink at her

Ben sits beside me on the couch and a gives a polite nod to Olivia, "So still friend with that crazy girl?" Ben asks about Natalie.

"Yup and our friendship still growing strong," I answer him with a proud smile.

"So still having crazy nights?" I mischievously grin at him.

"No, I am a good boy now," He innocently replies.

" Good boy my ass," I say in a low tone. He was the one who arranged strippers at Adam's bachelor's party and suggested a nude wedding.

I think he heard that because he starts laughing. Liam comes and sits on the armrest pulling Olivia to his side. Ethan makes himself comfortable on the opposite couch, as Jessica places drinks on the coffee table. Megan also joins us making Olivia roll her eyes.

Suddenly I remember Olivia mentioned, before Megan came, that she always wanted to work as a fashion designer, but due to the financial issues, she could not pursue a degree in it. My mother is a fashion designer and successfully running her company. She always encourages raw talents, so if Olivia can fulfill her dreams by her help, then there's nothing wrong with it.

" Olivia, you said you like to design clothes?" I turn my face to her and ask.

"Yes and she's really good at it,' Liam reply instead of her, a proud smile adorning his face.

" Yeah... I design but they're not as good...I just design for fun," She hesitantly answers.

" I think you should send some of your designs to Panache."

" Panache," Her eye widens a bit, then she sighs," I don't think they will even want to see my designs."

" Just give it a try, I am sure they will."

" How are you so confident that they will see my designs?" Olivia asks hesitantly.

" I don't know, but what I know that you are passionate about it and you deserve a chance."

The glow in her eyes when she talked about her dream speaks volume.

"Bethany started Panache when she's graduated from high school, she had no professional degree at that time, but that didn't stop her from pursuing her dream," I lovingly remember Dad used to tell stories about Mom and Panache and how Mom warned Dad not to interfere in her career. She used to say all she needed was love and support of Dad.

" She always says that every person needs love, support and a little bit of encouragement to follow their heart." I nod towards Liam and say," And I can see you have all three."

Olivia looks at Liam with her eyes full of love," Yes you are right. I'll pursue my dreams."

"Oh my... love is in the air," Jessica grins making Olivia blush.

"Sorry to break your heart honey, but Panache only hires best and what would you know about fashion and style? Just look what you are wearing," Megan makes a disapproving face.

Olivia is looking down on her lap with a sad look. Liam looks like he is ready to explode.

"Something which you are not familiar with," I deliberately eye her up and down to make my point, "clothes."

She's scantily dressed, which is especially inappropriate for get-togethers like this. Although by some miracle, she is not caked with make-up.

I ignored her completely and turn my face to Olivia, "My mom always welcome new talent, that's why I think you should send your designs. They have some programs which can help you if they find potential in your work."

Megan glares at me, clearly annoyed by my previous comment and asks, "Who are you?"

" Abigail Prescott."

"So you are the girl Nathan forcefully married to," She narrows her eyes at me.

"Megan... keep your mouth shut," Jessica scolds her.

" Why am I saying something wrong?" She asks," Wasn't Nathan forced for the marriage? Even her father gave him money to marry her."

" What nonsense are you talking?" I say through gritted teeth and look for Nathan to deny her, but he is nowhere to be seen.

" Nonsense? I am just saying the truth," She shrugs, " But why does any father will give money to marry off her daughter? Until and unless there is something wrong with her daughter or if he is trying to hide her whorish deeds, right?"

" Shut the fuck up," Ben shouts angrily.

Tears start forming in the back of my eyes. I don't know whatever rubbish she is saying is true or not. But, if it is true then why would dad do this? Nathan married me because of money? He just wanted money that's why he agreed to marry me.

Her words stung me like thorns.

"Don't listen to her," Ben squeezes my hand and whispers in my ear.

" Tell me what was the reason, Abigail? Do you have some scandalous past ?" She continues, "Even her parents don't want her in their life, that's why they were so eager to get rid of a whore like her."

"Is it so easy for you? huh?" I ask, glaring at her.

"What?" She asks suddenly looking confused.

" To give away your hard earned title to someone as undeserving as me?" I raise my eyebrow, grip on my glass tightens as I try to control myself from breaking her face.

Realization hits her, angry expression takes the place of confused one on her facial features," You whore?"

" Yes, that is who you are!" I spit while pointing my index finger at her.

"Excuse me, I can't tolerate all this bullshit," I get up and leave the room.

I hear someone calling my name but I don't stop, because I can't let them see my tears. As soon as I enter the hallway, tears start streaming down which I tried to keep at bay.

The moment I stepped outside the house cold air hit my face leaning against the wall I take a deep ragged breath to compose myself. Somebody places a hand on my shoulder. I push the hand away, turn to find an unfamiliar man.

" Why are you crying?" He asks.

" No, I am not," I reply in a clipped tone.

" I know you are hurt, let me kiss you and make it better?" He holds my wrist.

" Let go of me," I start to panic and try to get out of his hold, but he tightens it. I am sure it will bruise later.

" Nathan won't mind if you are worried about him," He says gripping my wrist more tightly and pulling me towards him, " We are friends and little sharing won't hurt."

" Leave my hand!" Hearing Nathan's name something snap in me, I slapped him hard across his face which caused him to loosen the grip and I pull my hand free.

" If you try to touch me again, you will regret it," I warn him while clutching my bruised hand to my chest.

" Bitch," He holds his cheek which has started to redden and goes inside the house.

I should have known this was all Nathan's plan to insult me, all his apology and being cordial was drama.

Pain turned into resentment, I angrily wiped my tears and start walking towards the front gate. I hear footsteps behind me but I am least bothered to stop.

" Abigail! Where are you going?" Nathan calls me.

Instead of turning or replying, I quicken my pace. He easily catches up with me in a few strides.

" I have asked you something," He sternly says and blocks my path.

"Your purpose has been fulfilled, I don't think now I am required to stay here anymore," I shut my eyes tight to hold my tears back.

I move around and try to walk past him, but he grabs my wrist. I wince and an involuntary gasp escapes from my mouth due to the pain. He notices this and loosens his hold but doesn't leave my hand.

" What happened?" He demands.

I glare at him and didn't answer his question.

He slowly examines my wrist, which is now covered in a bruise, he clenches his jaw, "Who did this to you?"

" Don't act, like you care," My voice slightly raise. I can hardly contain my anger.

Ben comes outside holding my purse, which I might have left there, but at this moment I don't give a damn if he hears all this.

" Abigail, what happened inside?" He asks in a low tone.

" Everything which you wanted," I yank my hand and point my finger at him in an accusatory manner.

His face distorted slightly, crease forms between his eyes

" What are you talking about?" He looks angry and confused.

" This is why you pretended to be cordial? So that you can bring me here and some of your friends can insult and," I gulp as a tear roll down from my eye," harass me."

He looks extremely furious, his eyes harden as his gaze flicks to my bruised wrist," Who touched you?"

"C'mon Nathan aren't you happy that I am hurt? This is you wanted, right? To make my life hell," I laugh humorlessly.

I take a step back from him and shakes my head," I am an idiot who thought that maybe you will stop mistreating me. Although my mind was telling me that there is something not right, I ignored and believed you, but you proved me wrong."

He pays no heed to my outburst and takes a step forwards.

" Who hurt you?" He slowly asks, emphasizing on each word.

" No one, just one of your friend implied that I am a whore that's why you were paid to marry me and other thought it would be nice to have his way with me as you wouldn't mind a little bit of sharing." I shrug and bit my lower lip to stop it from quivering.

"I am so sorry Nathan, that you got tied to a girl like me. I hope payment was enough to compensate your misery," My voice cracks at the end.

I couldn't hold my tears anymore, as they start falling freely from my eyes. Nathan whole body goes rigid, he clenches his fist so tightly that his knuckles go white then he storms back into the house.

Ben hesitantly approach me and put his arm around my shoulders. I lean into him as I break down into silent sobs.

"Shhh...Calm down," He whispers gently into my ear, holding me till I calmed down a little.

"Please take me home, I don't want to be here," I request him, clamping my eyes shut few more tears leaks. Stepping back from him I hastily wipe my face with my both hands.

Ben looks at me with concerned filled eyes and nods his head. Taking my purse from his hand I inhale a deep breath and let him guide me to his car.


Thank you for reading. If you like this chapter then, please don't forget to vote, comment, or share.

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