Chapter 109

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Cheryl was nearly finished her makeup when Luke came walking into the kitchen. He was dressed and his hair was damp. "Would you like to use my hair dryer?" Cheryl joked. "Actually yes, i have straigheners too?" He asked sitting down opposite her. Cheryl looked at him then smiled. "Sure..." She laughed. "I made....attempted to make breakfast...not healthy but thats all i got just now" She huffed a little. "Thanks...i dont mind!" He smiled eating a slice of toast. "You put your makeup on" He hold her. "Yeah...." Cheryl nodded. He shrugged "Just look find without it." She raised an eyebrow to him and he chuckled. "You do! theres nothing wrong with you chez..." He winked at her.

SMiling softly she nodded a little. "Whats up?" He asked when he saw her straight face. "Nothing!" Cheryl spoke smiling. "How about .... we go get breakfast?" Cheryl laughed and Luke laughed with her. "I'll treat" He nodded touching her hand. She nodded taking her hand from the table and standing. "Mm, lets go!" She smiled a little before grabbing her keys. The rain had stopped but was still damp. "Ill drive" Cheryl made a face and Luke chuckled. She got her jacket from her room and walked past the bathroom and noticed somthing. "Luke...? Mr Hemmings!" She shouted. "What?" He asked from downstairs. "You've soaked my bathroom floor!" She laughed. she threw some towels down and closed the door and ran downstairs. "See you" She laughed poking his head softly.

They got in Cheryls car. "Where too?" "Hmm....Starbucks?" He smiled and Cheryl nodded starting up her car. She drove them to Starbucks and when they got there they walked inside. "What you having?" He smiled taking her hand. People looked at them, then at her. Probably wondering what a hot guy like Luke was doing with someone like her. "Uh..." She stood a little uncomfortable. She took her hand back and looked up at him. "I'll have a Grande vanilla bean frap please" She smiled before walking over to an empty booth. Luke nodded and walked up to the counter. Sitting in the booth Cheryl sighed.

What were they now? He turns up at her house, crying...telling her he messed up. He gives her a gift and kisses her. Now he's holding her hand and hugging her. He hasnt named them...what were they? she was confused, but just as unknown. She saw Luke walk over with their order and he sat down opposite her. He handed over her drink and a small pastry thing. She smiled a little and sipped on her straw. They sat talking a little for a while. It was nearly noon when they finished their things. Cheryl got a text through and she looked at her phone to see a text from Jodi. "Ash..." Luke spoke. "Huh?" Cheryl looked up. "Ash text me...asking if we wanna all hang out" He smiled.

"Jodes, texted me the same" Cheryl told him. She put her hand on the table and sighed texting back with one hand "Sure" Luke spoke smiling. He rubbed his thumb across her hand like last night and took her hand. She looked at him and smiled. "Can i ask you something?" She asked. "Sure..." Luke nodded. "Last night...why did you come to my place?" She asked. Lukes face dropped and he looked at her. "Because i wanted to tell ive been missing you" He told her. She nodded and looked at him. "And this morning....that kiss, well last night and today....and this?" She nudged her hand up with Lukes grip still in hers.

She sighed and shook her head. "Luke....what is this? us?" She looked at up quite sad. Luke opened his mouth to speak then closed it. He sighed taking his hand from Cheryls and looked at her. "What do you want this to be? im hoping...its the same as what i want." He smiled at her. Cheryl shrugged "I dont know" She admitted. "I think....for me....i do want this...but something is telling me not to make it anything yet" SHe admitted to him. 'Why?" He asked swallowing. She shook her head. "Something is telling me...after what happened between us, the silence....we cant just kiss and jump into something." She told him

Luke sat thinking for a moment. " have to at least give this to me...maybe theres a place for us...but not at this exact moment" She told him. He looked at her, a little hurt. "Dont get me wrong! i mean....i like you too...a lot! but...i cant jump into something right now" She told him. He nodded and took her hand again. Tears stung Cheryl's eyes..."Okay...i understand...but, im still gonna be here when you are ready" He told her smiling, his eyes getting a little wet. Cheryl smiled and nodded. " glad" She nodded at him. He stood up and Cheryl followed. They both hugged and he kissed her head. "Lets go to the garage....everyone will be there" He told her.

Cheryl nodded and they both left....Luke's arm was around her waist and she got to the car door. "I' can stop this too....?" He asked and Cheryl nodded. "Thank you" She smiled. They got in the car and she started it up. He touched her hand slightly and she looked at him. "Im not gonna stop all contact" He smirked making Cheryl laughing silently.......

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