Chapter 65

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Cheryl got home and changed into what was in a birthday bag from her mom and dad. Still an empty home and on the bag said happy birthday and she would get the rest when they get home. Probably a day after her birthday! she was thankful anyway. She grabbed some clothes and headed up to her room with the bag and clothes in hand. She decided on a new shirt, her old shorts, and converse. It was dinner but casual...right? Cheryl washed her face and put fresh makeup on and straightened her hair and pinned it up at the side to take it out of her face.

She sprayed some of her new perfume, and put her jewellery on her right wrist. She looked at her tattoo again...what would she say to her parents. "Hey mom, dad...a few guys from school bought me a tattoo!" Wtf! oh well, she would worry about that when she had too. She grabbed her phone and earphones before checking the clock. Shit, it was 5:30! She rolled her eyes and grabbed some loose change from her dresser. In stead of walking, a bus was due in 10 minutes. She took her shoulder purse headed out her house.

She got on the bus at 5:45 and it headed to Kassie's place. By the time it was 5:55 her was her stop to get off. She got off the bus and headed to Kassie's house. She got there at 6 and the girls stood outside her door "Hey, we thought you were ditching us!" Kassie laughed Cheryl shook her head. "DItch you for who?" She laughed. "No idea..." Kassie admitted. The girls were dressed nice, but casual, of course Kassie had a dress on. But it was casual. Soon they heard a beep beep and they turned to see Mikeys car.

"Lets head ladies!" Ash grinned sticking his head out the window. The girls got into the car and they were on they're way. The guys were changed, into casual yet smart dress code. They looked good, especially Luke. They got to nandos and Cheryl wasnt suprised. She laughed into herself and they all got out the car. "Im starved!" Mikey said as he walked with Kassie. "Yeah lets go!" Calum wrapped his arm around Jenn and Jodi and Ash walked hand and hand. Cheryl looked up at Luke and smiled. "Hows your wrist?" He asked. "Yeah, okay" She nodded smiling. "Good" he nodded "Come one birthday girl!" He chuckled putting his arm around her shoulders and bringing her closer. They walked behind the guys as they walked into Nandos.

After around 8 they were finished eating their food, and they sat talking and drinking. Cheryl felt happy. She only had herself for company before the they were 8 of them. She still couldnt believe that the guys who used to give them shit, and actually their friends now! She sat sipping her iced tea, and she watched them all talk to one another. She looked up at Luke and he was smiling at her. "What?" She took the straw away from her lips. "Nothng" He shrugged smiling. "Theres something" She told him. "Nope" He shook his head innocently smiling sweetly.

It was just before 9 before they headed. Kassie was tired, but she wanted to spend time with Mikey.  "Hey, guess what it is tomorrow?" Kassie sat closer to Mikey. "Hm?" He looked at her then back at the road. "Uh, 3  months..." She looked at him. "Oh yeah, when we made it offical..." He nodded. "At your so called party!" She laughed. "Hey that was good!" He laughed with her. "That was a good party!" Jodi smiled kissing Ash on the cheek which made him kiss her. Cheryl rolled her eyes smiling. It was true. She wasnt a party girl, but 3 months ago tomorrow, her and Luke started becoming friends.

So Mikey dropped Calum, then Jodi, Jenn, then Ash off. "Hey, are your parents still out?" Luke asked Cheryl softly. She nodded and sighed. "Probably" Luke smiled then looked at her. "Want some company?" He asked. Cheryl didnt feel totally alone when she was home by herself. Sometimes, but not all the time. In all seriousness...she did want to still be in his company. "Please.." She smiled and sighed at him. He nodded and smiled at her. "Hey Mikey, just drop me off with Chez." He told him. Kassie turned judging immediately.

"He left something?" Cheryl blurted out. Hey! she doesnt like being judged! Kassie raised an eyebrow and smirked. "What?" Gosh, Cheryl hated it when she did that. She looked like quinn from glee the way she did that. "Art..." Cheryl spoke. "Hmm!" Kassie turned again. He looked and Luke and he smirked holding in a laugh making Cheryl cover her mouth to stop herself laughing. "Cool dudes!" Michael said as he stopped in front of Cheryl house. "Thank you Michael!" Cheryl thanked him. She got out the car and tapped Kassie's head. "Night babes!" She put on a voice making Kassie laugh. "See ya birthday girl!" She grinned at her.

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