ch 27:The bit*h

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Last night i helped the poor Alex with his hair and we ate dinner.Pizza,may i add.

Colton said Christine will have to stay with us for three days because her grandparents wont be home.So he went to pick her up.

The front door opend and Colton and Christine walked in.

"Hey colt!Hi C"I greeted.I call Christine C because its shorter,and Colton calls her that as well.

"Did you help Alex fix his precious hair?"Colt asked.

"Yep,its back to normal"
I giggled and he chuckled.

"Ok..Elena can you show me my room,please?"C asked, pretending to sound sweet.I really wanted to punch her..

"Sure...come on"I said.

I took her upstairs and to the left.

" is your room."It was at the end of the hallway on the left side.

"Ok..witch one is Colton's?"She asked.

"The one next to mine,over there"I showed to the other side.

"Oh,why can't i get room closer to his?"She asked,acting like a comeplete brat!

"I dunno,there is no rooms available next to his,on one side is my room on other is Mason's.

"Oh,then I'll just take your room"She smiled, picked up her bag,and started walking towards MY room.

",you are not getting my room"I said and blocked her.

"Yes i am!"She yelled amd stomped her foot.

"No,you are not"I said calmly.

"Yess i am!!"She yelled and stomped her foot again.

God dang it, this girl is like a chiwawa!Non stop barking!!

"No,you are not getting my room"

"Ughhh!"She yelled and stomped downstairs.

I shrugged and walked inside MY room.

"Elena!!"I herd yelling from downstairs.

"Yes?"I said as i walked in the lounge.

"Why did you yell at Christine?"Nick asked.


"Why did you yell at Christine?She told us you even pushed her"

"I didn't touch her,nor did i yell at her,in fact she yelled at me, wanting to take my room, because its next to Colton's!"I exclaimed.

"Go upstairs,show Christine her room,we will talk later"Hayden said.I didnt want to fight so i did as i was told.

Once again we were in front of guest room.

"Bye"I said and turned on my heel.

"Nope!"She said and grabbed my arm.

"Uhh,you will let me go or you will wish you never met me!"I hissed.

"Hah!As if"She scoffed.

"You asked for it"I said.

"NI-"I started to shout but i got cut off by a slap!SHE SLAPPED ME!!

"grrr"I growled and slapped her back.

She tired to hit me but i shifted to my small wolf and ran,i was small and fast.

I herd her shift behind me and run after me.

I ran around the second flor like mad woman,untill eventually she cought me.

I yelped.She grabbed me, not so gently with her sharp teeth.

I whined and barked as loud as i could.

I growled at her, hoping she will let me go,but she didn't.

She shook her head, making scratches on my back with her teeth,she then trew me in a wall.


i tried to get back up but emidietly slid back down,how hard did she trow me?

I managed to get up and dash of the stairs.I tumbled down(Witch hurt like h*ll)And ran/limped to the couch.

I jumped next to Nick and curled up in his side,hiding my face in the process.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?"He asked and started to stroke my fur.I yelped when he touched were the Bi**h bit me.

"What the-"He said and looked at his hand.Blood.Fuq.

Before he could say or do anything else,we herd a growl.A light blonde wolf walked downstairs..with blood on her nose.More specifically...My blood..😤🙄



stay tuned to find out my cookies!


bye bye cookies

My werewolf brothersHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin