Chapter 47 ↬ "Doppelgänger got your tongue?"

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"You killed me!"

Mia was trying to get Elena to calm down while they waited others to arrive. She knew that Stefan and Damon would be here right away.

And they were, the brothers arrived in front of the Gilbert household with horrid expression.

"Stefan–" Elena ran to her boyfriend with tears wedging her cheeks, "M-Mia– she slammed my head into the door and I remember collapsing. Everything went dark–"

"Are you in transition?" Stefan cuffed her face, "whose blood is in your system? Hers?"

Mia couldn't bring herself to look at any. She turned around to leave, however, Damon tightly held onto her wrist.

"You're not leaving until I know exactly what happened."

"You heard her– shoved into a doorframe and cracked like an egg."

"Did Rebekah compel you?" Damon furrowed his eyebrows, "I know that you went out of town for the day. Considering her death grudge on Elena here– she must've gotten you to do the dirty work."

"She didn't."

He looked over at his brother comforting Elena, "that's what a compelled person would say."

"I didn't," Rebekah soon appeared and frightened Elena back into her house.

She rolled her eyes, then crossed her arms, "proof? Mia has vervain in her system. Been on it since she first turned."

To convince Damon, Mia bit into her own wrist and felt the burning sensation on her lips. He gave a disappointing frown.

"Alaric came back into town looking for the white oak stake. He targeted Kara to lead him," Damon explained, "soon after– dropped dead. By one circumstance."

"Elena's life was linked to his," Mia concluded his thought, "he can only die if Elena did... I made that happened."

"Which brings back to the reason as to why you were here," He tried to not be as angered as he was, "revenge?"

"...I already made my first kill today after becoming a hybrid. It didn't feel so good," Mia sighed at the memory of crushing Sage's skull, "I wanted to clear up any hidden resent I had for Elena just in case I went on a killing rampage. Except.. I lost it."

Rebekah and Damon stood silent at Mia's explanation. He couldn't believe what she was saying.

In his mind, Mia was always a good person– and she still is, he thought, does that excuse her for turning Elena?

Contrary, Rebekah believed the situation. In fact, she was hesitant in leaving Mia alone in fear of what just happened. However, she was glad that the next victim happened to be Elena Gilbert.

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