Next time on "The Vampire Diaries."

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"What the hell is this? Where are we? Is that a pigsty?"

Damon and Bonnie opened their eyes to see they weren't in heaven, or even hell, they were in a completely different world. In a completely different time era.

"What year is this?" Bonnie looked down at the dirt road beneath them. There were horses with carriages, houses with unstable rooftops, and unrecognizable neighborhoods up ahead.

"I don't know. Even I wasn't alive," Damon continued forward, protecting Bonnie behind him just in case something popped up.

"How'd we even.." Bonnie remembered what her grandmother told her, "I think my Grams sent me here. She said she would make sure I would find peace."

"Couldn't she have sent us somewhere more modern?" Damon sneered, "like our time with refrigerated food and supermarkets? Not livestock?"

Bonnie stopped in her tracks when she saw a girl approaching them. Her hair was long, covering her back, and she wore a old timely dress. Damon saw her too, but he groaned loudly when he recognized her.

"You've got to be kidding me," Kara sighed when she saw the two of them.

Trapped with her in her prison world.

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Kara's story isn't over yet either! I was planning on making a spin off series where she'll escape the prison world (with the help of Bonnie and Damon) and become the main character on her road towards redemption!

Her story is going to be a Stefan Salvatore story (obviously) and a Kai Parker one— another love triangle in the TVD universe lol.

Again, I'm unsure if I'm going to write this story either, but it is just an idea I had planned!

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