Chapter 2 ↬ "As real as vampires and werewolves."

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"Wake up."

Kara punched her twin sister's arm and shoved her to the window, once again. She grunted and muttered a few curse words to herself as she got out of the car.

"Where are we again?" Mia mumbled and got the bags out of the car.

"Mystic Falls," Danielle said as she looked at the brochure in her hands, "This town has a lot of history in its' hands. Burning witches, killing vampires, hybrids. But I think that's all in past. We'll leave in a few days anyways."

Mia nodded my head and picked up her suitcases "Oh. What's a hybrid?"

"Both vampire and werewolf," Kara said and shoved Mia out of the way, "A hybrid."

"Is that particular hybrid still in town?" Mia asked and set the stuff down in the living room.

"Hopefully not," Zella sighed, "Anyways, what do you all think of the house? I picked it this time."

The sister looked around. It was huge compared to their last house in Minnesota. It was creepy as well, it truly looked like vampires lived here. With most of the blinds closed, the house painted black, and the dinning room was a large table where vampires ate.

"A bit weird," Mia said honestly, "Better than our last house though."

"Hey! I picked that house and it was the best," Danielle exclaimed, "I miss our garden."

"Don't worry little sister, you're lucky this town has many gardens," Kara smiled, "Come on Mia, Danielle, we have to go apply for school."

She threw her head back and groaned, "Do we have to?"

"Yes!" Michelle yelled before the closed the door behind them.

"Here are your classes and your locker combination. Have a nice day," The lady at the desk smiled.

"Thank you," Mia said and turned around to see her sisters waiting.

"This school isn't as bad as I thought," She said and looked around. "I mean, the guys are cute." The wolf looked over at the football players at the end of the hallway.

"I guess.."

Mia scoffed, "come on. Just because you haven't had luck with boys without compelling them doesn't mean you're completely hopeless."

She saw a guy with brown hair and green eyes pass by, "Look at him, isn't he cute?"

Kara turned and glanced at him, "He's okay. Not interested, I have all eternity to look for a guy."

Mia laughed, but was soon interrupted by the bell. "What class do you guys  have next?"

"Spanish. What about you?

"Chemistry," Danielle smirked. Being a witch, she was a little science nerd, "I'll go on ahead– bye guys."

Mia looked at her schedule. "American History." She parted ways with Kara, but before they fully separated Mia said, "don't try to eat anyone!"

Kara let out a light chuckle, "Don't try to tear anyone to pieces!"

Mia laughed and walked to history, taking a seat in the middle next to same guy earlier and a brunette haired girl.

"Hello, class," The teacher greeted everyone.

"Good morning, Mr. Saltzman."

He looked over at me and smiled. "New face. What's your name?"


"Where'd you come from?"


His eyes popped out and he chuckled, "Well, that's a big move."

"Yeah," She mumbled and clung onto her worn down history book. The wolf felt a little nervous; she didn't know why. Usually she didn't care about school since they moved around a lot, but it felt different this time.

"Anyways, turn to page 246 in your textbooks.."

The bell rang and Mia got up to her next class, which was english. She was unfazed by the icebreakers that were going to happen, she moved around so much.

"Hey, Mia right?" A brunette girl came up to Mia, "I'm Elena."

"Hi, Elena." She lightly laughed and bit her lip. No one had ever talked to me first, Mia thought.

"I just wanted to say hi since you're new and all," Elena smiled, "Do you like the school so far?"

"I move a lot, so I'm kinda used to being new."

"Do you want to hang out later? There's a place called Mystic Grill. You can meet my friends," Elena took a piece of paper from her backpack and handed it to her, "This is my number. I'd like to show you around town too."

Mia took the paper and stuffed it in her pocket, "Thanks."

"See you later," Elena waved and walked away.

Kara bumped into her sister's shoulder and looked at her, "Was that Katherine or is my vision a little..."

"Exactly what I thought. Her name's Elena. I think that was Katherine's doppelgänger."

"Doppelgänger? Those are real?" Kara asked in disbelief.

"As real as vampires and werewolves," Mia shrugged her shoulders. She held up the paper Elena gave her, "She wants to be my friend, look! It's her number."

Kara rolled her eyes and started walking towards her next class.

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So during this time, it's a little after the sacrifice happened. Stefan hasn't left with Klaus yet and they're still deciding if he should in order to save Damon's life (since he has the werewolf bite.) But I'm still not sure if I want to write the book on how the show goes or my own way. We'll see!

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