Chapter 16 ↬ "Three sad orphans."

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Kara opened her eyes. She found herself still stuck to the chair, but the chains weren't there. She stood up slowly, then looked around.

She was in her home town— 900 years ago.

"What the hell is this?" Kara said to herself.

Groups of traders and people passed by her, minding their own business. A few blocks down, she spotted her old house. Hesitantly, she walked towards it.


Kara spun around and saw a man pointing at her. Another held a gun and ready to fire. Before her mind could process this, the wooden bullet was fired.

Instead of feeling the immense pain, she felt nothing. Kara placed her hand over where the wound should of been.


Kara turned the other way and saw a woman bleeding on the floor. Bite marks everywhere.

Kara stumbled back, but she tripped over something. Her eyes darted to the deceased body.

A vampire.

"Oh my God," Kara whispered. The bullet was fired at him, not her.

"This isn't real," She stood up, "THIS ISN'T REAL!"


Stefan lunged forward and bit a girl's neck, causing her to moan. On her right, Kara came up next to her and did the exact same thing.

Once the girl was almost drained, Kara and Stefan smiled at each other before kissing. Stefan's lips traveled her neck, but came to a stop when he saw a necklace. It was shaped into a clear crescent.

"It's beautiful," He commented.

Kara smiled and placed her hand on Stefan's thigh, "someone gave it to me. Supposedly it's magical."

"And is it?" Stefan smirked.

"Maybe," Kara kissed Stefan again, "But it did something. It brought me to you."

Rebekah came into a view and joined both of them. Laughs and heavy breathing filled the air.

"It's late, Rebekah, we're leaving."

A man pulled Rebekah off the two. She pulled back, a snarl appearing on her face as she faced her brother, Klaus.

"Get off me!"

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