Chapter 45 ↬ "Mamma Mia."

Start from the beginning

She placed a hand over her chest before smiling a little at the doppelgänger, "thanks."

Elena nodded at her gratitude. Mia turned back around to see her friends with a bit of concern written on their faces. Yet, they were only proud of the bravery she had.

"How about getting some rest?" Elijah suggested, "you've had an eventful evening. Perhaps getting some sleep will make you feel better."

"Vampires don't need sleep. I don't know why some of us do it," Kol furrowed his eyebrows.

Rebekah rolled her eyes, "stop being a smart mouth."

"I think rest is a great idea," Mia attempted to stop the feud, "I'd rather spend the night somewhere else. Not in a place that constantly reminds me of my tragic family.."

Klaus was overjoyed at Mia's suggestion, "I'll have people work overtime to unpack the house. It could be your new home."

She shyly smiled at his offer, "I was thinking putting my compulsion to a test. You know.. compel myself a chateau–"

"It'll be easier if you move in with us," Rebekah joined in on convincing her, "think about it– we'll be helping you through control. Less of hassle. You won't need to drive back and forth from two houses. Do you know how to drive?"

Mia smiled after noticing what they were trying to do. She wanted to be a little playful.

"Then I'd have to go buy more moving boxes, pack everything, call a truck in the middle of the night–"

"Don't worry about that tonight. I'll cover all of that tomorrow," Klaus smiled.

"Besides.. you wouldn't want to spend your first few nights as a new hybrid all alone.." He began to give her the puppy dog eyes.

Elijah and Kol were amused at the situation. They've never experienced their siblings being so spirited.

Mia gave in, "alright. I guess I'll have to break it to Danielle that we'll be living with the Original family for the next couple of months."

Klaus and Rebekah tried to hide their glee, however they failed when they broke into large smiles.

Kol slung his arm around Mia and his sister, "we're going to be one big happy family, aren't we?"

"Why is your arm so heavy?" Mia joked as she pushed him off her shoulder.

They all walked together towards Klaus's car, who couldn't be happier his family was back home.

"When are you leaving?" She asked Danielle.

Danielle stood up, "right now actually. Alecia is gonna be here in any minute."

Mia got up as well and gave her a tight hug, "if I were selfish enough, I'd really try to convince you to stay right now."

She laughed, "I really do want to. I promise that after I've mastered every grimore spell, I'll come back for good."

There was a honking sound from the driveway which alerted Danielle of her ride. Sadly, the two sisters walked outside and parted their ways.

"I love you," Mia said before Danielle left.

She gave her another hug, "I love you too. And don't die again!"

Mia chuckled at her warning and watched as Danielle got in the car. Once they were gone, she turned back around to look at the well-furnished house. Klaus wasn't joking when he said he'd compel people to work overnight. The empty home was now restored to it's expensive decor. The only room that wasn't touched by strangers was Mia's.

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