Chapter 43 ↬ "She was supposed to live."

Start from the beginning

"Mia," Damon pushed past his brother to get into Caroline's car, "don't follow us."

"Dead?" Stefan repeated, "as in dead, dead?"

"Yes!" Caroline shouted out of annoyance, "The girl who you constantly push around is finally moving towards the last stage of life. Don't act so shocked at the fact you couldn't save her because you have been doing the exact opposite. Rebekah is going to be there, Elena. She'll rip you apart if you just stroll in to say goodbye."

She sighed and glanced at the two before leaving. Whilst the two were on their way, Klaus was standing over Mia's body. His hand was entangled in hers, he had been staying with her since she died in his arms.

Kol returned to town upon receiving a call from Elijah. He knew that Kol was rather intrigued by Mia. If there was an inch of sanity in his brother, he would come visit. So he did.

However, once Kol saw that Niklaus was guarding Mia's body, he waited a little before seeing her. It was the same expression he saw the night their mother was killed. Overwhelming regret and anger.

Rebekah stepped into the living room. She had just finished putting the last of Mia's family members in their newly bought coffins. The traditional way of a werewolf funeral was to build a raft of wood filled with personal belongings and setting them on fire as the raft drifted across a river. They were planning to do that after everyone stopped by to say their goodbyes.

Michelle survived the deathly trap that Sage put her in. She knew that she was the sole survivor of the family. To handle this grief, she asked if Rebekah can handle the funeral arrangements. Michelle left the household without a word.

"She's not suppose to be dead," Nik's touch on Mia's hand tightened as he talked. Rebekah looked sadly at the sight of the two of them. She was rooting for her brother and Mia to end up together in the end.

"Mia wanted more than just finding her parents," he recollected all of the moments they had together, "To travel the world, graduate, go to college. Become a person who gave back to people. To live a life finally without the burdens of her missing parents."

Niklaus finally let go of Mia with a loud sigh, "she was suppose to live."

Rebekah crossed her arms and walked over to her. She hasn't looked at Mia's body since last night, "We should be experts in knowing that terrible things happen to good people."

Her hand was placed on top of Mia's, "you died with the people you loved the most. Now you'll get to be with them."

She placed another hand on her brother's shoulder before leaving. Elijah cleared his throat to inform Niklaus he was here. Recently, he called Danielle and asked her to stop by to attend her late family's funeral. The witch started to freak out and panic until she got a hold of herself.

"Niklaus–" He called for his brother, but no other words were able to come out of his mouth.

Klaus had been in love with a few women through the centuries, all with appalling ends. Yet, this time was different. This time, Nik didn't move on, push his siblings to leave town with him or continued with his hybrid army. He stayed.

"I can't understand either," Klaus knew what his big brother was going to say. Elijah was going to apologize, try to lecture and give advice.

"I don't want to leave her," he furrowed his eyebrows.

He was looking at Mia one more time. Trying to remember every feature before they shut her inside a coffin to rot. Klaus wanted to memorize her face to make a painting so a part of Mia would stay with him for more centuries to come. Always and forever.

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