Chapter 21: Revelations

Start from the beginning

“I won’t attack either of you, just let the boy go, he has nothing to do with this!”  She yelled.

“Oh, we know you won’t, but we’re not going to take the chance that you might take the chance,” Dantè smirked.

She tried sneaking into both their minds at the same time without them noticing, but she was still drained from the last two days events and she could feel herself weakening from just that small contact.  They were right: she didn’t have the strength to take them both down.

“What do you want from me?”  She eventually screamed, frustrated at her own helplessness.

“It’s obvious isn’t it?  We want you dead!  When we told our leaders about your arrival they assured us you would be taken care of!”

“You told them were and who I was?”  Edana asked shocked.  After yesterday, she had assumed it was Edwin.

“Of course!  Do you have any idea how we will be rewarded for that?!  How much more we will be rewarded for handing them the great Edana’s head on a plat–”

“Edana?  As in Edana Greenwood?”  The rugby boy snapped, twisting to look at Edana.  He had gone silent for a while but all three snapped to attention when he spoke again.

“You know me?”  Edana asked in shock, looking him over, racking her memory for where she could have known him.  She didn’t usually hang out with jocks.  They didn’t exactly frequent the kinds of places she hung out at.

Suddenly her eyes widened in shock.  His eyes.  They were a bright, vibrant green.  Her gaze shot up to his hairline.  His hair was light brown, but now she knew what she was looking for she could see the red roots, barely visible above the brown dye.  His jawline, his nose, his lips, even his ears.  Identical.

“Casey?”  She asked in awe.

His eyes rounded in an identical expression of shock.  The two identical faces stared at each other.  The only differences between them was his hair (colour and length), her make-up and while maturity had softened her features slightly, it had slightly sharpened his.  Also, his face was free of scars.  Josh and Dantè burst out laughing.

“Casey, as in your twin brother?  The one who abandoned you?  Oh, this is too rich!  I mean, what are the chances?”  Josh chortled.

The sound of Josh’s voice seemed to snap the two of them out of their stupor.

“Let him go!”  Edana growled.  If she had had even the slightest thought of risking the boy, it was gone now that she knew who he was.

Dantè and Josh fell silent mid-laugh.  “Since we’re the ones with the hostage – your beloved brother no less – I think we’ll be the ones making the threats,” Josh snarled.

Edana had had enough of this.  She didn’t care whether she had the strength or not, this was Casey.  No-one – no-one threatened Casey.  She summoned up everything she had and used her powers of telekinesis to knock them off him.  The blow, fuelled by her raw fury threw them to the other side of the park.  The pain she felt at using that kind of power didn’t even register, she was so angry she just watched them fly; readying herself for the fatal blow she was determined to deliver.  Unfortunately, seconds after the two hit the ground, they jumped up and disappeared.

She swore under her breath and then headed over to Casey who laid a few metres away.  He had unwittingly been dragged along by the vampires when she hit them before being released.

“Are you okay?”  She asked, reaching down to help him up, but he scrambled away from her.

“Stay away from me!”  He yelled eyes wide.

“What?  Why?”  She asked shocked.

“‘Why’?  Seriously?  After all these years you still have to ask me why?”  He demanded, standing up and glaring at her.


“What just happened?”

“Who’s this?”

His friends had arrived.  She cursed mentally; she couldn’t allow them to remember what had happened.  She would have to deal with them – but first things first…  “I just saved your ass!  You’re honestly going to stand there and moan about how?”  She yelled; all her hurt at his betrayal turning into anger at how ungrateful he was being.

“It was your fault I was in danger in the first place! The fact that I was nearly killed just by being in the same park as you proves that I made the best decision ever by leaving you!”  He yelled back.

“Ex-girlfriend?”  She heard one of his friends whisper to another.

“Try twin sister!”  She snapped.


“Kay has a sister?”

“I didn’t know that.”

“You’re not my sister!”  Casey yelled.

Edana laughed, “You can change your name and hair colour, but face it ‘Kay’ we’re still related.”

“We might share the same blood, but you are no relative of mine!  You’ve obviously thrown your life away!  Luckily I got out before you could drag me down with you!  I mean just look at your nose!  What, did you try to rob somebody and get beat up?  That’s something you’d do, right?  Do you still live in that crappy apartment, or have you run away already?”  He sneered.  “You always were a freak of nature, a little delinquent, but now you’re obviously little more than a criminal!  So stay away from me and my friends!”

Edana clenched her jaw.  That was it.  He was right, he wasn’t her brother.  Her brother was caring and thoughtful.  Her brother loved her.  This idiot standing before her was nothing like her brother.

“Money and reputation.  That was all you ever cared about wasn’t it?”  She asked.  “You always wanted a high paying job, never mind if you actually enjoyed it or not, as long as it paid well.  I might have been a delinquent – a word you probably can’t even spell – but you were a sell-out!  I’d choose being a criminal over being a sell-out any day.”  She could feel her anger at him rise as he rolled his eyes condescendingly at her.  “I mean, would you even have continued to stay away if you knew how rich I was now?”  She scowled at him.

“You’re rich?”  He asked, laughing sarcastically.

She smirked back at him, “You might have moved out of our flat so you could live in a duplex; but while you’re still living in that duplex, we now live in a double story that could fit four of your lovely little duplexes inside!  Plus, the guy I’m currently living with – my fiancé,” she held up her left hand to flash the engagement ring Lucian had given her, “has a seven-story mansion that could probably fit your entire complex into the first floor alone!  I’m not your pathetic little sister that cries every time you’re mean to me anymore.  Not only am I now richer and smarter than you,” her eyes flashed dangerously, “but I’m also stronger than you.”

All Casey managed to get out was a shocked “what?” before Edana punched him square in the nose, breaking it and knocking him backwards a few metres – making him fall flat on his rump for the second time.

“Now we’ll have matching scars,” she sneered.

She gave him and his friends one last contemptuous glance – making sure to alter their memories at the same time – before turning on her heel and storming out the park.

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