"Your questions answered. Well, at least the ones asked before the deadline."

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Hi everyone,

Thank you for being so incredibly patient with me over this week. I wasn't expecting to get so emotional over this story, so I have been taking it slow with other updates. I also had some really good last minute questions that I wanted to make sure that I covered. Here are your YME questions answered...eventually.


What are you plans for the third one. Is it the Diary of the Guest bed? Or is it another full one with married life and whatnot? Like the honeymoon and possibly adopting children?

There are three mini books planned, with a honeymoon book and the Diary of the Guest bed being two of them. The third book in the series will be started sometime in the late fall, but I do not have a definite time set up as of yet. The reason for that is I really want to work on my already started Septiplier stories along with beginning to branch out. Also, since it has been asked before, I am not planning on stopping any Septiplier stories any time in the foreseeable future. Septiplier for better or worse, will always be my favorite ship. As far as HBE Mark and HBE Jack adopting children, I can tell you that within this story line they will not. This has nothing to do with them not liking children, but based more on the fact that within the dates that I am writing this the IRL Jack and Mark have no plans of having children. Even though the HBE series is fictional, this series is the closet to the in real life Mark and Jack, so I try to structure it accordingly. I'm able to reveal that the third book will involve them touring,

I would like to know, what got most of this amazing story based on? And what got you to get the scenarios on point and at the exact moment?

The story came out of my head, honestly. There was a desire to "raise up the stakes" with a romantic rival, but that's as far as I thought, other than Jack and Mark just getting ready for their upcoming wedding.

This question is for Felix. Do you miss Marzia and Maya?

I miss them both a lot, and actually Marzia have started talking again and have become friends. She was really floored about me getting together with Hunter, and I think a little jealous. Makes sense. Hunter is super hot! I also plan on seeing Maya next time I am in Europe visiting family.

What would happen if Jack found Mark trying to cook anything other than breakfast?

This is Jack, so he would probably be a little confused, but he would still happily eat it. Probably would also use the Cheese Infuser if in quick reach and appropriate.

How did you write the book? Did you plan it ahead of time or just go with what you felt was right when you wrote a new chapter?

A bit of both actually. Usually I would have a good idea of what I wanted the chapter to be about like, "Mark gets phone call from Ethan. Talks about wedding stuff." Then I would just start the chapter and see where it went from there. For really emotional chapters, it was more about trying to create a certain tone or mood. The later chapters were heavily outlined due to the wedding and needing things to make sense chronologically.

How did you get all the jokes in the book? Did you look them up or did you think of them by yourself?

I came up with the jokes and dialouge on my own. Hopefully, they were funny.

Hunter. I have no idea how to feel about him. Help!

Hunter by far and away is the more polarizing character that I have written in a very long time. Honestly, I adore Hunter, but you are allowed to feel about him however you would like. In the beginning of the story, Hunter was going to be nothing but a villain to Mark and Jack. However, in my desire to make him likable and charming it was hard to then turn him "evil". He completely took over and there were times where in my head, he would just refuse to do some of the hurtful things that I would ask him to do. Hunter is flawed, but he is a good person in the end. Also, side note, I never considered really putting him in as a new love interest for Felix, but I'm glad that I listened to my heart and all of the readers. Felix and Hunter or "Pewter" as I have called them, are a fun and sweet ship.

Do you have anyone to edit your stories?

As of now, no. I do know that some parts of my stories could use another set of eyes, and I am in the process of finding someone to do that for me.

Are there any parts of the story that you love?

Overall this book has been a joy to write. It's nice because a second book gives you less to worry about with establishing the characters. You can just dive into the fun. As far as my favorite parts, I love the meeting Hunter chapters, Jack and Mark go to the beach chapter, and the wedding chapters a lot.


Thank you again from the bottom of my heart for reading "You're My Everything". Thank you for all of the kind and constructive comments and thank you for all of the votes. I am beyond speechless at how wonderful you readers have been!

Please stay tuned for this series. I am also taken over writing another more based on IRL Mark and Jack set of books that @caddycorner started. It is listed on my page "You're In Awfully Early". The first book in the series is "You're Up Awfully Late" on her page.

Your devoted and resting until Monday writer,

Tad ❤️

You're My Everything (Septiplier)Where stories live. Discover now