"You're not strong enough to contain the excitement of that little pug."

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-Mark's POV-

"This is why you shouldn't have given him those cookie treats right before we got in the car, Bright Eyes."

The look on Jack's face was one of slight exasperation at the bouncing and snorting ball of black fur of Felix's pug Edgar. It was as if we had sprung the pup out of jail and were on the run to start a new life with the way he was barking happily on Jack's lap.

"How was I supposed to know that Edgar was this crazy?" Jack grumbled, though I could see the smallest of a grin flicker on his lips. "Besides the poor little guy has been stuck in a little cage for hours waiting for Felix stuck in traffic."

I rolled my eyes as we pulled to a stop at the next stoplight, which Edgar took as a signal to once again start to try to jump out of Jack's arms and head over to my lap. If I had known that when Felix asked us to get Edgar from the kennel he would have been this hyper, I would have demanded hazard pay for the trip.

The drive to Felix's new house for the most part was full of laughing at Edgar's antics. The dog had clearly never seen this much sunshine and clear skies for quite a while. Jack hugged him tightly and got his face attacked by sticky kisses. The house that Felix purchased was about ten miles from our place, and only a little smaller. Mike had been incredibly helpful with getting most of the loose ends tied up, and Felix had been moved in for close to a week when he finally got the go ahead to get Edgar fully over to the states. With a huge amount of effort, Jack was able to get the pug leashed up properly again and out of the car. Black nose snorting curiously at the ground and curly tail wagging madly we all walked up to the front door.

The front door had a coded lock and Jack began to press buttons to get us in, but the door opened with a snap and we were greeted with Hunter, standing there to greet us. My heart was already beating faster than was comfortable about this. I wouldn't say that I had been avoided Hunter since he had come over to apologize to Jack and accidentally pass out on his lap, but in the last two weeks I really hadn't made much of an effort to text or call him. By the time that Hunter had woken up and left with Felix had been well into the evening, and both Jack and I had already gone to bed. Even though Jack had been softly pushing to try to meet up for us to talk, I had a long list of reasonable excuses ready to delay it.

We all stood there looking at each other in almost an epic type silence, with Edgar being the first one to break the tension with what sounded like a gasp Ethan would be proud to hear. All three of us looked down at Edgar, whose huge dark brown eyes were staring at the tall red headed man in front of him and began to pull at his leash to attack him with snuggles.

"So this must be Edgar," Hunter chuckled as he bent down to greet the pup. His large hands scooped the small black dog up in his arms and Jack giggled at how in love Edgar seemed to be with Hunter already.

"I thought that only blonde dogs like Chica had that type of reaction to you," I said, trying to push through the awkward feelings.

"I guess brunettes have a bit of a thing for me too," Hunter smiled, and even gave his traditional wink. I could feel the air relax around me, and before I knew it I was smiling as well.

He motioned for us to come inside and I could tell that Felix had been working hard in the new house.  New pieces of furniture were placed effortlessly into each of the rooms that we could see,  and a huge bar set up to the right of the dining room. Hunter smiled as he tried to put Edgar down, but the pug wasn't having it. He kept leaping back into the strong muscled arms so much that Hunter chuckled again, giving up and allowing Edgar to stay perched against his chest.

"I don't think I have even seen Edgar look that love struck in my life," Jack smirked. "It looks like you're going to be the one taking care of him while you visit Felix from now on."

"It's nice to finally get to meet this goofy guy off of something more  than Phoenix's phone or YouTube channel."

Edgar gave another happy snort as he looked up into the handsome face, almost smiling at all of the attention. Hunter was giving his small floppy ears loving scratches as we chatted, and it almost seemed like we were being friendly again. Jack moved out of the room with the skill of shadow to make sure that we both continued talking, and it was only when I heard the television turn on in another room that I realized that it was only Hunter, Edgar and myself in the dining room together.

"I'm sorry that I've been kind of distant lately," I mentioned. "It's just been really busy with the wedding coming up, and then getting all of the plane tickets bought for our family and - "

"And avoiding me after I made a fool of myself is it's own full time job," he chuckled, and I felt my cheeks turn bright red.

"It's all right, Fish," he said quickly, as I began to stammer excuses. "I understand completely and it's not like I was trying to reach out to you at all either. I wanted to, of course, but honestly I've never felt that level of embarrassment in my life. It was humbling to say the least."

Edgar was at this point sound asleep and snoring in Hunter's arms, his right back leg twitching slightly as if he was dreaming about running through a field. Hunter just continued to rub behind his ears and rub his back, and I was reminded as to how much Chica adored him as well, and how much she missed him.

"It sounds like we both are shitty at moving on from an awkward place," I admitted. "I'd like to try to work on that though, if you're up for it too."

The dimpled smile was back and more amazing than ever and he nodded quickly at the idea. It was only then that I felt comfortable enough to ask the question that had been in my head since the shock of him answering the door had worn off.

"So, is you being here...should Jack and I assume that you and Felix are working things out?"

I had expected him to look slightly annoyed by the question, but on the contrary his smile got even brighter. Seriously, how can a man have such perfect teeth?

"Yes, actually we are. It just took a few months of fooling around, then me chasing after someone else and him being there for me after everything went wrong  to realize that I have a pretty wonderful guy in my life. I'm kind of dumb at times. I blame not having to use my brain for so many years as a model."

We both chuckled and headed to find Jack and then wait for Felix. Edgar refused to leave Hunter's arms in anyway, and  I giggled as I imagined how Ethan would feel if he could trade places with Edgar for just moment or two. The image of Ethan smiling serenely as his face was snuggled up against the broad chest was almost too much to keep my laughter silent.

"Want to let me in on what's so funny?" Jack mumbled, leaning over to me on the couch.

"I'll tell you later."

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