"Your weird taste in movies makes me fall asleep."

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-Mark's POV-

"So, what do you think of just watching Deadpool again? I know it's one of your favorite movies."

Jack sighed at me and shook his head. "We should really just ask either Felix or Hunter what they want to watch."

I chuckled as I pulled a  couple of blu-rays from the shelf.  "If this movie night is anything  like the last one, they will spend most of it just making out while I  watch the movie by myself."

Jack narrowed his eyes. "I was there too."

"You fell asleep halfway through the movie, babe."

"I did not!"

I chuckled as I walked over to him, and placed my hands on his narrow hips.

"Ok, then. The movie we saw last week..."

"Fist Fight!" Jack shouts, looking incredibly pleased with himself.

"Great job, babe," I said, kissing his cheek, "but do you remember who won the fight in the end of the movie?"

His face went hilariously blank, and he stared at me.

"The butler?"

I laughed. "Nice attempt, Bright Eyes, but no."

"Ok, ok," he grumbled, giving me hug. "I fall asleep sometimes. It's not my fault that your so comfortable to snuggle with."

"If it matters," I said, kissing his forehead, "It was a really weird movie."

The door bell rang and  we headed out to greet Hunter at the door. He was handsome, as usual,  wearing blue jeans and a form fitting black shirt. In his arms he  brought more of those delicious chocolate chip cookies for Jack, which  definitely improved his mood from the movie talk from earlier.

Felix came down a few  minutes later, his hair perfect and smiling at everyone. He took  Hunter's hand and we headed to the living room. Jack, also as usual, had  over done it with the the snacks and we chatted a while as we ate.  Felix had bought alcohol for anyone who wanted it, but only himself and  Jack were having drinks.

Hunter and I chuckled at each other as Jack and Felix argued about the bachelor party that Felix had been planning for us.

"There is nothing wrong with getting a couple of strippers," Felix said loudly.

"It is when you plan on having them wrestle in chocolate pudding!" Jack shouted back.

"Fine, we'll have vanilla pudding instead!"

Our laughing didn't help  Jack's annoyance, and all of us weren't completely sure that Felix was  joking about the strippers, or the pudding.

About twenty minutes  into the movie everyone was relaxing on the couch. Felix was laying  snuggled up against Hunter and they were kissing each other, the movie  being for the most part ignored. Jack was holding my hand, his head on  my chest in our usual napping position. I was impressed that he was  still awake so far.

I heard some muttering  from across the couch and saw Felix looking up at Hunter, his face soft  and eyes slightly pleading as he seemed to be asking him a question.  Hunter rolled his eyes and nodded his head. Then the green eyes glanced  over at me.

"Phoenix wants some rum to make rum and cokes," he said quietly. "Mind if I head out for a bit? I'll be back pretty quick."

"I'll head over with  you," I said, sitting up with Jack still in my arms. Jack looked at me,  his blue eyes already deciding what he wanted from the store as well.

"If you love me, you'll get me ice cream," he said, his speech slightly slurred.

"I do, and I will," I replied, giving him a kiss.

Hunter gave Felix a kiss as well and we headed for his car. Despite Hunter's good looks and great clothing, it always amused me that he chose to drive a fairly sensible car. The dark blue Mini Cooper convertible was not the first vehicle I would think a person as tall as Hunter would drive, but he was able to fit his 6 foot 1 inch frame into it fairly easily.

He turned on the radio and we drove in silence for a while, with him every so often whistling a tune as we headed down the road. He glanced over at me on occasion and we exchanged smiles. It reminded me of our days in college where we both would study in the living room together. Just happy to have each other for quiet company.

Within another couple of turns we were at the grocery store, and after getting out and heading inside, he made a left turn towards the liquor section while I headed right to the frozen food. I grabbed a small container of Rocky Road ice cream and headed back up to the front of the store. A few minutes later Hunter had joined me, a bottle of fairly expensive rum and a bottle of soda in hand. After making our purchases we headed out to his car and began to drive back to the house.

"You really spoil him," I said, looking over at him as he drove.

Hunter chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "I like doing things for him out of the bedroom. It's only fair considering what we do inside of it."

He gave a quick smile and a wink.

"I'm glad that you guys are doing well. Felix can be a handful, I'm sure."

He nodded. "Actually, Fish. I could use some advice, if you don't mind giving it."

I looked over again, mildly confused. "Ok, but I'm not sure what advice I can give."

Hunter chuckled. "I wanted to ask you why it is you think that it's hard for me to make friends."

I blinked at him, not sure as to how to answer the question. I always assumed that Hunter had a lot of friends. He was charming, funny, incredibly attractive and smart. People naturally liked to be around him, and Tyler and a few odd people aside, everyone seemed to love him.

"I don't really have many friends," he continued, and we turned down my street. "Never really been able to put my finger as to why. Lots of people who want to be around me, or sleep me, but not just mates who I can laugh with. You know?"

I nodded my head. "We're friends."

Hunter smiled, his dimples creasing his face as he nodded his head.

"Yeah, we are. I value that a lot. And Jack and I get along too. It's nice to have friends again. Feels like I'm back in my college days. Before all the modeling bullshit."

"You sound like you really hated it."

Hunter seemed to consider my comment, as if he never really thought about how he actually felt about his days as a model.

"I'm not sure if I did or not," he said finally. "Modeling...it changes you, Fish. Makes you focus on things that matter in the moment but, years later I realize how much I was destroying my body, and my mind."

He looked suddenly very tired, his bright green eyes almost staring at something ahead of him that only he could see. The corners of his lips slowly sinking into an unfamiliar expression. Almost like a frown.

"Are you talking about the drugs?" I asked, hoping that I wasn't pushing too much.

Hunter glanced up at me, his eyes becoming focused again. "That was definitely part of it. I was in getting in bad shape with drinking, and with drugs. Nothing too crazy, mind you. Mostly at parties but, yeah I saw a lot of people I worked with get addicted. Some of them died. It was pulling me in too. If it wasn't for my parents, I don't think I'd be alive right now."

I felt my heart lurch. "I had no idea you were going through all of that. I'm sorry."

Hunter shook his head and smiled. "You're the last one that needs to apologize to me for being young and stupid, Fish. You're one of the few people in my life who were genuine to me other than my mum and dad."

We pulled into the driveway and I felt a loss for words. I had no real clue that Hunter had been wrestling with these thoughts. What kind of friend was I to not even ask how he was feeling at all? I had been so wrapped up in Felix, Jack and my own issues that Hunter seemed to get left on the sidelines.

I need to be a better friend, and I think that's going to start tonight.

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