"You paint like Rembrandt. Just with less skill and more stick figures."

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- Mark's POV -

"I would like it known that I don't know what the hell I'm doing," Jack said, his eyes looking somewhat confused as he raised his hand.

Harriett turned her attention towards Jack, her smile one of gentle patience and slight exasperation that I'm sure she had a lot with people like Jack. A very tall and slender woman with bright red lipstick and strawberry blonde hair, she glanced over to all six of us as she spoke, her right hand gesturing towards a white canvas in front of the room.

Tonight we were celebrating Tyler and Ethan's one year anniversary at a "Painting With Your Partner" night at a local art gallery. At first I had been convinced that is was a very elaborate joke by Tyler when he invited us.

He had seen my crude stick figures, right?

When I asked him if he had invited anyone else to join in making fun of my painting skills, with a slight grumpy tone he said that Hunter and Felix were coming.

"Ethan asked them before I had a chance to say no," Tyler had said, he face looking almost murderous. "Last thing I need is to have 'tall, red headed and dreamy' in the same room as Ethan. Think of the drooling. One of us will probably slip and fall."

Fast forward to all four of us sitting awkwardly in a small studio and being told the best ways to place the brush on the canvas.

"I understand that some of you, including Jack, may be nervous. Try not to be!" Harriett continued as she gave us all a reassuring smile. "This evening is to relax and celebrate Tyler and Ethan first year together."

Ethan and Tyler both smiled. Ethan looked positively beside himself in bashful happiness. Tyler grinned, his usual smirk on his lips and beanie on his head.

Jack and I were on the right side of the happy couple. With Jack giving his white canvas a very worried look, Harriet's words apparently not providing any reassurance. On the left side Felix was already opening up the small paint jars and giving a very hungry glances at the large wine selection off to the side of the room displayed on an elegant table. Hunter seemed to be the only person who was paying full attention to was Harriett was saying now, his green eyes glimmering as he asked a couple of questions after Harriett finished talking.

"Now, before we begin," Harriett said, as she clapped her hands with excitement. "Does anyone have any other questions?"

"When do we get drunk?" Felix asked loudly, and I heard Jack groan beside me. "We were promised lots of drinks."

Harriett raised a heavily penciled eyebrow at Felix, her bright red smile looking slightly more scowl like.

"Excuse him, Harriett," Hunter said, his dimples seeming to help our instructor feel less annoyed. "His human interaction skills are limited. We only just found him the woods a couple of weeks ago."

All of us laughed except for Felix, who grunted and went back to looking at the paints.

"Wine will be served while we are painting," Harriett replied, looking directly at Hunter when answering Felix's question. "Everyone please put on your smock and I'll get your art subject."

Harriett headed towards a door to the right as we all got up and put on large white painter's smocks to protect our clothing.

Tyler was enjoying Ethan put on his smock, which was almost comically too big for him. He looked like a five year old trying on his father's oversized coat. Jack looked just about as tiny though he seemed a bit more annoyed by it.

"Don't you dare laugh, Fischbach," he said, correctly guessing the look in my eyes. "I make your meals."

"Yes dear," I said, swallowing my laughter as best I could.

A few minutes later Harriett returned and with her was a muscular man in a long cream colored bathrobe. His hair was dark brown and his eyes, a deep shade of blue.

Ethan's eyes went slightly wide and Jack did a comical double take.

"Well," Felix said, his light blue eyes scanning the man up and down. "This night just got a lot more interesting!"

Harriett seemed to choose to ignore Felix as she pointed at a small white step for the man to stand. He nodded politely and took off his shoes and robe.

He was completely nude.

Ethan and Jack both made identical squeaking noises. Ethan covered his mouth with his hands, while Jack face turned an amazing shade of red. Tyler's eyes darted from Ethan to the man, his mouth into such a firm frown that I was sure that smiling again would be an almost impossible challenge.

"I changed my mind," Felix said, his face positively delighted now as he started grabbing a paint brush. "This evening is going to be fucking amazing!"

The male model smiled at Felix, and then looked over to Hunter.

"Justin?" Hunter asked, his bright green eyes looking curiously at the man.

"Hey, Hunter!" the male model said happily, "I though that was you."

Jack rolled his eyes. "And of course you know each other. Are you just friends with every insanely hot person in California?"

"Oh my god," Felix said, his smile even bigger. "Tell me that the answer to the question is yes, of course I am."

"I thought that we were painting bowls of fruit," Tyler said, his eyes narrowed at Harriett.

Harriett looked surprised by this, and glanced at a her notepad.

"We are painting fruit, Ty," Felix chuckled, "don't you see the size of the banana between his -"

"Phoenix," Hunter chuckled, "Could you please not make this too weird? Justin is an old mate from my agency."

Felix looked like he wanted to say something incredibly sarcastic, but seemed to melt at Hunter's radiant smile.

Harriett flustered out an apology, saying that she had clearly gotten the wrong paperwork for the art subject for the evening.

"I really don't mind," Ethan said, his face still looking pink. "He can hold the bowl of fruit. We can always just paint both."

Justin nodded that this would be fine with him, and he was handed a bowl of fresh fruit, banana included.

"In front of the dick is preferred," Tyler grumbled, and Justin moved the bowl to the more modest placement.

After an hour there was more paint on our smocks than our actual canvases, but everyone was have a great time. Hunter was chatting with Justin about old times at his agency, and Felix and Jack seemed to be having a competition as to who could drink the most wine throughout the evening. Despite Jack's "I'm fucking Irish. I was born for this type of competition" boasts from earlier, Felix was clearly winning the battle.

"Did you know that...that," Jack loud whispered to me, his blue eyes unfocused, "That's there a naked man holding a fruit bowl over there?"

"Yes, babe," I answered, doing my best to hold him up as he swayed, 'He's been here for about the last hour. We've been painting him."

Jack's eyes widened. "But he's not covered with paint. I think we're doing...doing it wrong."

Tyler and Ethan seemed to be the only ones whose art pieces even remotely resembled Justin at all, though Felix did do a remarkably good job painting a close up of the handsome man's penis.

"That is actually...really a good rendering," Harriett said when she saw it, the compliment seem to causing her actual pain.

I had never seen Felix as proud.

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