"You'll never believe what happened next."

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-Jack's POV-

Hunter's words echoed in my head as I opened my mouth to respond.

I came here to talk to you.

The bright green eyes were looking right into mine, widening slightly as he waited for me to say something...anything to this admission.

"Me? Why did you want to talk to me?"

Internally I was screaming at myself.

Was that the best thing I could up with to say?

Though Hunter seemed to respect what I had asked, and sighing deeply, he handed me the white bag.

"Can we sit down and talk about it over some of those chocolate chip cookies I got the last time?" he asked quietly,  "I hope that you aren't tired of them yet."

I shook my head no, and gestured him towards the living room. He walked in front of me and I was able to send a quick text to Mark.

J: Hunter is at the house! What do I do???

After hitting send I followed him to the living room we both sat down. Hunter was looking handsome, as always.

Why even now, his face looking stressed, was he able to look so good?

Today he was dressed in black pants and a light blue polo shirt. It was fairly obvious that he had just come from work, since he usually dressed more casual otherwise.  He sat on the opposite side of me, his arms folded politely in his lap. I placed the chocolate chip cookie bag on the table, but neither of us wanted to eat it seemed.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?"

He sighed deeply, his eyes looking almost apologetic as he began.

"I need to talk to you about love."

I felt my heart thumping in my chest again as I watched his movements carefully. I had never seen him look so uncomfortable before. His brilliant green eyes were usually focused on whomever he was looking now, but today he seemed to not know where to look, and his usually calm and  chilled confidence were replaced by almost a shy and bashful quality.

"Love?" I replied back. "What do you mean?"

He was fidgeting with his hands now, almost as if he didn't know where to put them comfortably while he sat. His dimples were almost gone under a severe frown. It was odd to see him frown. It looked almost unnatural on his face, as if he hadn't used those muscles for years.

"Hunter?" I asked, inching a bit closer towards him. "What's wrong? How can I help?"

"You are one of the sweetest and caring people I know," he said quickly, as if he was fighting losing his nerve. "Do you think that...are we friends?"

The question wasn't one I was expecting, considering the love topic from before, but I nodded my head.  His relief on his face was immediate, and he seemed to relax a bit more.

"That's nice to know," he said, his voice a bit stronger. "I don't have many friends. Other than you, Fish and a few others. I'm dealing with...a lot right now, and I'm afraid that the choice I make may ruin our friendship."

He looked upset again, his brow furrowed as he looked down at his hands.

"I don't think that I could handle losing any more friends."

"I would always try to be your friend," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I was. "I think that you're a good person. Would you tell me what the choice is, and maybe I can -"

"I'm in love, but I don't think I have a right to be," he said in a rush. "Fish once told me about you and your ex girlfriend. Not any details, of course but enough to know that she hurt you really badly. You were able to move on, right?"

I nodded again.

"It was really really hard, but yes I did."

His bright green eyes looked almost pleading to me as he leaned towards me on the couch.

"How did you do it? How did you move on?"

I blinked, trying to fully digest his question.

"It's...a process," I replied. "Like waiting for a wound to heal. It took time, and a lot of people around me who cared about me. I did get a chance to meet up with her."

His eyes lit up at that.

"You confronted her? Did that help?"

"It wasn't really a confrontation," I admitted. "More of just a talk. No, unfortunately it didn't really help much. In fact I left with even more questions than I had before."

I watched his broad shoulders sink at this information, and he gave a deep sigh. I watched him look at his shoes again. The shyness in his face and body language had returned as quickly as it disappeared.

"I don't want to be in love anymore," he said, his tone heavy in this throat,  "but as hard as I try I can't stop it. It feels like it's eating away at me, like...like..."

"Like a nightmare that you'll never wake up from?"

He looked up at me again, his eyes wide.

"Yes, exactly like that. See? This is why I came to you, Jack. I knew that you would understand what I was going through. Is there a way to speed up the process at all? To get over someone faster than -"

"There's no fast way I know how to get over being in love," I said, my voice small again. "If I knew that, believe me, I would have done it myself."

His momentary hopefulness melted from his face as he nodded that he understood.

"I see," he said after a very long silence, and he got up from the couch. "Thanks for talking with me Jackrabbit. I think I know what I need to do now."

My heart jumped from the sudden end of the conversation.

"Are you leaving?"

He nodded again as walked over to me and gave me a hug, and I almost felt the resolution in his muscles as he held onto me for what seemed like forever.

I walked him to the front door, searching for someway for him to stay there longer so that I could get some more information, but my mind was a complete blank. My phone was vibrating in my pocket like crazy, and I hoped that at least one of the messages was from Mark.


My mind was snapped back to the present to Hunter as he lingered outside of the front door, his eyes almost tearful.


"Whatever happens with me being in love," he began, his words seemed to stick in his throat as he said them. "I'm glad that you've been a good friend to me."

"Of course," I said back, struggling to figure out what I could say to somehow get him to tell me who it was. Nothing was coming to my brain at all.

He opened up his mouth to speak again, then closed it quickly. Then with a short nod, he headed down the sidewalk and disappeared towards his car.

I closed the door, and leaning against the door, pulled out my phone. There was a rush of panicked text messages all from Mark. I took a few deep breaths as I dialed his number, and Mark answered on the second ring.

"I'm at Hunter's place," he said, his voice filled with dread as he spoke. "Felix isn't here yet. What did Hunter say to you? He had called me to ask if I was home, and when I told him no he said thanks and then hung up in a hurry. What the hell's going on?"

I felt myself slide down the door into a sitting position on the floor, my hand shaking as I replied.

"He came to talk to me," I said, only now realizing that I had been holding my breath while Mark had been talking. "And this is a lot more complicated than we both thought."

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