"Your heart will always bring me home."

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-Mark's POV-

I took a few deep breaths as I headed down to the living room area to talk to Felix. I had a plan in my head, but this was Felix I was dealing with. He could easily react in so many ways to situations. I mapped out another few options if he tripped me up with an odd question or off the wall joke.

I can do this.

I've taken improvisation courses, and made it through a tour. Felix? Child's play at this point.

Then why are my hands shaking?

Must just need coffee. Yeah, that must be it.

I turned the corner to see Felix, hair perfect and blue eyes slightly narrowed, taping up a large cardboard box.

"Good morning, Fe," I said brightly, "Need some help?"

He grunted, and shook his head that he didn't. I sat down on the couch next to him and he glanced over at me, looking suspicious.

"What's up with you, bro?" he asked.


"What? With me?" I asked, my voice more high pitched than normal. "Nothing at all. Just wanted to sit and...talk with you about something."

He stopped taping up the box and turned to look at me. "Ok, what's going on?" he asked again, looking directly at me. "You look nervous as hell."

"No, not nervous," I replied, trying to contort my face into a relaxed smile.

"Mark, you're a shitty liar. I mean like a really shitty liar." He looked at me from head to foot. "Your hands are shaking and you're sweating."

I sighed and turned to him. "Actually, there is something that I need to come clean about."

He turned his body to face me fully, and waited.

"Jack and I...we've been fucking each other for the past year or so," I said dramatically. "I know that it's a shock, but we thought that you should be the first to know."

Felix snorted with laughter. "That explains a lot. So you all aren't just getting married to put your millions of fan girls into a frenzy, huh?"

I chuckled too. "No, that's just a bonus."

"Ok, but seriously," he said, nudging my shoulder. "What's on your mind?"

"It does have to do with the wedding," I said quickly. "I honestly have no idea what I'm doing. I could use some help before it gets too late in the year. Was wondering if my best man could help me out with some planning."

"You mean like, setting up the event?"

I nodded. "Yeah. Jack really doesn't know enough about LA yet to be of much assistance, and you go to LA all of the time. What do you think? Maybe stay a week or two?"

He stood up at this and looked at me again, his arms crossed.

"Hang on,' he said, his eyes narrowed again. "I get what this is about now."


"Oh, you do?" I said, my heartbeat quickening.

"You just want me to come over there to help unpack all of these boxes. That's the real reason, isn't it?"

I tried not to look too relieved. "Ok, I admit it. I have no idea what is in any of the boxes that we packed. Only your Swedish Sith powers can tell us where the pots and pans are hidden."

He laughed, and shook his head. "I would so use Sith powers if I had them. Pots and pans are in the box labelled "Kitchen", but I guess that is too complex for you two. I expect a first class ticket, and the guest bed to be thoroughly cleaned. I still remember that Tyler and Ethan fucked in there."

"Done and done," I said happily. "So I assume that means that you'll come to LA?"

He shrugged his shoulders and picked up the box that he had been packing. "Yeah, I think that I can hold off on finding a new place here for a bit longer. You have yourself the great enjoyment of having your own personal Pewdiepie."

"That sounded really sexual, you know," I said with a grin.

"What you and Jack fantasize about is your own business bro," he said, heading out of the room. "But for the record, I would never fuck Jack. He's like a brother to me at this point. It would be way too fucking weird."


-Jack's POV"

"Take all the time you need, ok?" Mark said, wrapping his arms around me.

We were standing in the driveway of my house. Well, what used to be my house. I scanned the freshly mowed lawn, and the bright blue front door. It was really the last time that I would be here. So much had happened inside those four walls.

Great laughs with friends.

Sweet moments with Signe.

Months of crying through our breakup.

A brave phone call to the man who I now love more than anything.

"Bright Eyes?" he whispered. "Did you want to go back inside again? We still have time before we need to get to the airport.

"No," I said, glancing back at Felix and Robin leaning next to his car, chatting loudly in Swedish. "I think that I'm ready. Just one more picture."

I waved over to Robin, who came over to us and gave him my phone after I put it in camera mode. He took it and waited as I took Mark by the hand and pulled him over to the front entrance of the house. He looked puzzled as I turned him to face Robin so that he could take a picture of us.

I giggled at his confusion. "I wanted a picture of us in front of the house, so that I can have a memory of the moment when I took the best step of my life."

He smiled, his beautiful brown eyes full of tears.

"I sure hope that I'm worth it."

I looked up at him, and pushed a tear away from his cheek. "You'll always be worth it."

And with a kiss, Robin captured our joy.

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