married -Zach

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I took a deep breath before I walked out of the little room I was getting ready in, today is the day zach and I are getting married. Not to also mention it's his birthday, I planned for it to be today so that I could top all the weddings.

I already felt like crying when I heard the music playing, I walked down the isle. Once Zach turned around he was already crying, I smiled and laughed a little as he wiped his tears away.

He held my hands as he smiled at me "absolutely beautiful" I smiled.

As the rest went on it was beautiful, of course it was the normal type of wedding, the vows and the cute I do's

~ the vows ~

Zach's- I vow to love you forever, I when I say forever I mean after death, my heaven will be you in my arms with our kids. I could stand here and list all the things I love about you but I don't think we have enough time for that. Y/n I really just want you to know that whatever happens we will work it out, I will love you through all your hard times and I will never doubt that you love me and I pray that you never forget I love you more than life, more than the world.

At the end of the day I'm beyond happy that I get to have you in bed next to me, more than extremely happy that I, after this day, get to officially call you my wife. I get to show you and your wedding ring off other than telling them your my wife and having you also explain that we aren't married yet but I was determined to marry you and my one wish in life came true.

You're my life, I've opened a huge new chapter in my book of life when I met you and I cannot wait to open more with you.

After this we get to go home and lay in bed, wake up in the morning and go to this amazing beach for our honeymoon. For me my version is I get to go back to my dream house with my dream wife and lay in bed with her, I get to cuddle her, then I get to wake up and take her to this amazing beach and get away from the world with her.

To wrap this up, I love you and I couldn't say it enough

Y/n's- i knew that I'd be crazy for you the moment I met you because well you did the craziest things to get my attention, I definitely knew I was in love with you when we had our first argument, I think I was when we both realized that we love each other.

Everyday is different and that's one thing I've always wanted in a relationship, I never wanted the same boring schedule with you I fall in love with you everyday, you make me do things I could never picture myself doing.

You make laughed and you make me enjoy stupid jokes, I'm so grateful you came into my life because without you, right now, I'd probably be sitting on my couch rewatching the notebook or some other cute relationship movie that makes me cry.

I definitely wouldn't be this happy, you've change me in many ways that aren't noticed by many. When we started dating people told me I was happier and that's the happiest they have ever seen me, people continue to point out that you're the only person who can calm me down or make me smile and laugh when I'm having a bad day.

I have never wanted to come home to anybody before, I've never had the need to have somebody beside me when I sleep at night but I want you to be in my bed at night, I need to have you body warmth, I want to come home and cook a dinner for us.

I can't wait to have kids and start a whole new life with you because you Zach is they only person I have ever wanted in my life.

I told you when we got together four an a half years ago that I didn't want to get married but you change that for me, I knew when I sat their a said I was going to marry you one day that there was no possible way I could ever love somebody as much as I love you.

~the I do's ~

Zach's- i do time 100

Y/n's- I do I do I do

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