Daniel request (insta)

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Daniboi: meet me at the park in 10?

Holly: of course

I got dressed and out my hair down, put on some jeans, a crop top and walked to the park, I could already hear Daniel ranting about how I took longer than ten minutes to get ready and how I always keep him waiting.

When I got there he hugged me, we sat down on the bench and talk for a little, just about stupid crap that if people listen in to would think that we were a little crazy.

Daniel and I were really great friends, but we were stuck in that period of time where we both like each other just to scared to tell each other, or tell anybody.

"There no way your faster than me holly" I nodded "let's race" he laughed as we stood up, as we were running he grabbed my hand and I tripped bring him down with me.

He placed his hands on either side of my face as he slowly leaned in and kissed me, I kissed back as I placed my hands on his face and deepen the kiss. "Sorry"he said standing up, he grabbed my arm and pulled me up "no no it's fine dani" he blushed as we both didn't look at each other.

That just made everything different, "I like you holly, I like you a lot" I smiled as I looked up and jumped into his arms "I like you a lot too Daniel" he laughed "we should just have tripped over each other a while ago" I laughed as I kissed him "we really should have though"

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