All the boys

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"What's up guys so today I have my boyfriend jack Avery here, and his amazing family that I love so much " everybody popped out from behind me and hugged me all but his mom and dad "sorry momma Avery couldn't be in this video but soon I swear to you guys" they all laughed.

"So we are going to be doing a little QnA and I decided to do it with all of them because they are amazing and they are just going to make this video two things, 1. Really long time to edit and 2. Very funny and hopefully long" they nodded as sydnie pulled me on her lap.

"Aye that's my girl" I laughed as I opened my phone, "I have a question" we all turned to Ava and smiled as she started laughing "why did jack carry you to dinner the other night" I blushed as jack and sydnie laughed.

"Because she didn't want to walk" I nodded as isla sat on top of me and sydnie let out a groan, "what were y'all first impression of me" I looked to them as they all thought for a second. "No way she is just going to be a babysitter" I laughed at Ava "what do you mean".

"The way jack was looking at you I figured y'all would have gotten together before y'all did" jack nodded and laughed "I tried my hardest but she was dating what's his face" I rolled my eyes and laughed. "I thought that jack picked a really good one for once and that jack definitely had some help getting you " jack rolled his eyes at sydnie.

"I got her all by myself thank you very much" she laughed and clapped, "isla what did you think about y/n the first time you met her" she smiled as she sat down by jack "I thought you were very pretty, and funny" I smiled as I kissed her cheek.

"Oh so you'll kiss my sisters cheek but you won't kiss me" I rolled my eyes and kissed his cheek "that's not where I wanted my kiss, I got off of sydnies lap and kissed jack as he smiled and pulled me on his lap. "What was your first impression of me babe" he thought for a second "I can't really tell you exactly but I can shorten it" I rolled my eyes as sydnie laughed.

"I thought you were beautiful and that I really wanted to take you out on a date like the one I took you out on the other day" I hit his shoulder as he laughed. "What is one thing you never told me "

"Jack actually told me he wanted to take you to prom " I laughed as sydnie did also, "oh shut up".

"I never told you when jack went out with that girl to make you jealous" I looked at Ava as jack's eyes went wide "hehe oh I forgot about her" I laughed as isla looked to me "you cook great" I nodded as jack laughed "you tell her that all the time"

"Go babe", "when you wear your hair in a high pony it looks better than when it in a bun" I nodded "yeah I know it does".

"Okay last one, what's my greatest fear in life" they all thought for a second and then gave up, "really none of you know" they all shook their heads no "spiders" jack laughed as I looked at him.

"I remember now, because I got you that pet spider for our anniversary and you hit me and cried" I nodded as I walked over to the camera.

"I love you guys and I will see you next weekend babysss " I went to cover the lens as jack yelled "I'm your only baby"
"You love my family why can't we just hang out with them this weekend?" I looked towards my boyfriend as I packed my bag "because I told my family I would see them this weekend and you agreed to meet them, are you scared too now?" He shook his head no.

"I just think we shouldn't- yes I am scared" I laughed as I kissed him, "look everything is going to be fine my mom is going to love you and my brother is 15 you'll be fine" he rolled his eyes as he hugged me.

"But what if they don't like me" I rolled my eyes as I kissed him "they will love you, I love you right" he nodded and smiled "then trust me as long as you never hurt me they will love you and besides it's only for two days baby"

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