Pregnant in high school-zach •

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"Of course she would be the one to get knocked up" I walked down the hallway of my stupid ass high school with everybody looking at my belly, I rolled my eyes as I got things out of my locker "I heard she got fucked in the back of the car a the Daddy didn't even want her no more" I slammed my locker and walked to the bathroom.

"Oh look it's her, don't stand to close you'll get the hoe" I don't know what she is saying she is a bigger hoe than me, "all students loading in the bus for alternative school need be get going" I washed my hands and met up with another girl that's pregnant.

"Hey y/n people giving you shit again" I nodded and rolled my eyes as I sat down in the seat behind her, "Hey me and Zach are going to hang out with his band tonight wanna come" she nodded her hand as she sat down "could I bring Bryan " I smiled at her "of course"

"Oh sorry we didn't know we were going to be sitting so close to the pregnancy squad " Kay laughed as the other girl looked at her "at least we can get laid " I held back my laugh as I got a text.

Zachy: hey baby, good morning

Y/n: hey babe, on I invited Kay and Bryan over tonight you Okay with?

Zachy: totally fine, how's my little one?

Y/n: kicking a lot, guessing she wants out to see her dad

Zachy: well tell her I'll see her soon

Y/n: I have to go I'll see you later, I love you

Zachy: hey I love you, I'll see you tonight

We got out of the bus and walked into a school that really wasn't any better than the last "look more hoes" I rolled my eyes as I walked into class and took my normal seat. "Look who just climbed out of hoe village " the teacher walked in a set out a worksheet for us handing me and Kay one "I already did this, do I need to do it again" the teacher nodded and gave a light smile.

I finished the worksheet and gave it to the teacher "oh you didn't have to get up you could have raised your hand and I would have got it for you" I shook my head as I sat back down. A girls hand shot up in the back and the teacher looked at her "yes Jess" she held her paper up as the teacher pointed to the box.

"You can get y/n's but can't get mine" I rolled my eyes as my phone went, knowing I wouldn't be able to check it till later "y/n is pregnant " jess Scoffed "so that was her mistake maybe if she didn't open her legs to every guy she wouldn't be" I shot out of my chair as the teacher point for Jess to walk out of the classroom.

"I'm sorry that I got pregnant and that somehow makes you unhappy, and Jess it wasn't a mistake my boyfriend and I knew what was going to happen when we did have sex that one time, you can call me and hoe and sit there and say that I'm pregnant because I only ever open my legs but I going to let you know this, we wanted this baby, my boyfriend is still in my life and loved me and this baby to death. "

Everybody looked shocked "and we only did it once and we thought everything out, we weren't in the back of a car or the back of some nasty restaurants bathroom. So I'm sorry that me deciding to do something with my boyfriend effects you now if you don't mind I'm going to go and sit out in the hallway before i slap somebody " the teacher nodded her head as I walked out and sat in the hallway till class was finished.

I walked back to the bus and took a seat, "you went off on Jess I heard" I let out a small laughed shrugged my shoulder "I just can't stand her" Kay laughed as I pulled out my phone.

Zachy: sorry I know your in class but can you send me the ultrasound picture when you get the chance I wanna show the guys, also I want you to have an amazing day and I love you so much. I can't wait to see you and my babygirl

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