Use me- jonah

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I sat in my bathtub crying, Jonah the guy I had been hopelessly in love with for years was coming over and I knew that he didn't want me. He uses me for sex like always, I heard a knock at my door as I got out and wrapped a towel around me "hey jo" I hugged him as he then brought me in a kiss, he moved down my neck as I stopped him.

"No jonah" he looked at me weird "Sorry I though you wanted to have s- front the text it kinda sounded like that's what we were going to do" I laughed as I sat on my bed " please don't use me Jonah " my voice broke as he looked at me weird.

"What are you talking about I would never use you y/n " I looked down at the ground "you are jo everytime you come over here is for us to have sex, you've never taken me out on a date or even talked about our feelings" he rolled his eyes

"Y/n you know I'm still trying to get over destiny " I laughed as I walked to my door, "I don't want to be used till you do" I cried as he tried to hug me "y/n please I need you" I rolled my eyes as I tried to hold back my tears "I can't take it Jonah, please leave" he didn't say anything as I cried myself to sleep.

Just like every night for the past week and a half, as I was out getting some food I ran into Zach, Daniel, and Jonah "y/n hey" Zach said as he hugged me "oh hey guys how are you" Jonah looked the other way as I talked to Daniel and them.

"I'm going to get our food" they said as they got up and left me and Jonah standing in front of us  "I'm sorry" I gave him a small smiled, "I hope you get over her" I held back tears as I saw him walk away one more time and I could take it.

I got my food as I walked outside, I saw the boys waiting as I walked beside them "bye y/n hopefully we can catch up we haven't seen each other in a while" I laughed a little "yeah hopefully " Jonah gave me a wave "bye jo, sorry Jonah" I walked away hearing the boys ask about what just happen and Jonah telling them it wasn't anything to worry about.

I sat in my car and cried, I got a texted as I looked down it was from my manager

Jen: I can't get you out of it

Y/n: out of what?

Jen: you have to work with why don't we next week


Y/n: Okay...

I went home as I ate my food and sat around the house

Today was the beginning of my week in hell, I walked into my mangers office as I saw them all sitting there "hey guys" I sat down as if nothing ever happen between Jonah and I, they all gave me hug and Jonah managed to give me a small one.

We worked on photos to take since I was a model, "these will look great but I was thinking maybe since Jonah is so tall he isn't the one who has to do the picture where he holds my waist "  I saw pointing to the idea "Well you'll have heels on it will be fine" I rolled my eyes where nobody could see them "great "

After our meeting I walked out of the room, I was about to walk out as Jonah stopped me "y/n I don't want this to be awkward between us can we talk somewhere?" I nodded my head as we walked to my car. "I love you" he looked at me as I looked anywhere but him.

"And when I knew you were using me was when we had sex after she broke up with you, then it really started to set in when we only hung out and had sex never went out on our fun shopping days anymore, so I though crying would be the best way to make myself feel better about you not loving me back but it hurts a lot Jonah and I couldn't take it. "

"But you wanna know the worst thing is, I miss you using me so... Jonah please use me again" I look towards him as he looked hurt, he kissed me and when we pulled back he was crying "I love you too, I never wanted to use you it was just so hard to tell you how I felt and I thought meaning less sex with you would be the only way to connect I didn't know I hurt you"

I kissed him again and pulled away "let me take you on a real date y/n" I shook my head yes as I wiped a tear off of his cheek "I love you" I smiled hearing that from him was heaven "I love you too"

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