Our kids- jonahxdaniel

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"No josh I told you no party's on a school night" Jonah said as he looked towards Daniel cooking dinner trying to get him to agree "but dad please you don't understand, luke is going" Daniel laughed "luke Avery is going to a party tonight" Jonah gave Daniel a look as he went back to cooking dinner.

Daniel knows Luke and josh have come into contact with each other's body's a lot recently "just shut up josh it's never gonna happen" Jaycee rolled her eyes "you shut it " she got up and went to hit him as Jonah stopped her.

"Your twins you two are supposed to live each other" Jaycee rolled her eyes "it called a love hit dad" Jonah rolled his eyes as Lucy, jack and Zach oldest daughter and Jacob, Jonah and Daniels oldest son walked down stairs.

"Bye" Jacob smiled as he hugged her and she left "he get to have a girl over but I can't" Jaycee yelled "I'm not having sex with Lucy" Jacob shot back as he got chips from the cabinet "no I'm cooking" he rolled his eyes at Daniel and put them back.

"I'm not having sex with Cassidy y'all just think I am" Jonah looked at her "corbyn and Christina have a different story to tell" Daniel tried to hold back a laugh as his husband normally already has all the kids in check.

"It wasn't like that at all" Daniel let out a laugh as Jonah looked towards him " a little help would be nice" he rolled his eyes as Daniel handed the spoon to jonah and Jonah took over cooking.

"Here's the deal josh you can invite Luke over for dinner tonight and Jaycee you can invite Cassidy over, Jacob your still ground and need to pull your grade up that's why Lucy was here Jaycee. Jonah and I will go out tonight and we will have the camera mics on including the one near y'all bedroom if you decided to do anything we will know. We will also leave after dinner when the rest of the boys get here" they all looked at Daniel and Jonah kinda laughed.

"What boys" Daniel turned to Jacob and smiled "jack, Zach, corbyn, Christina and all the offsprings " they all gave Daniel a look at the doorbell rang "one of you go get that".

Daniel walked towards Jonah and gave him a kiss "Damn baby" Jonah said as he kissed dani "Wanna rent a hotel for the night" he nodded his head "that was stressful" Zach walked in and hugged Daniel and Jonah as jack walked in and stopped.

"Hi we need to have a conversation, to each other all four of us in private" Daniel nodded "kiss away from the door and disappear " there were a bunch of footsteps and Jonah laughed.

"What's up" jack sat down "my son is fucking your son and my daughter is fucking your son and I'm pretty sure I just saw corbyns kid making out with Jaycee " I nodded "I knew about two of them" Jonah looked towards me.

"And I knew about one excuse me " Zach laughed "I thinks it's cute keeps us in one big family" jack gave him a look "aside from the fact are kids are having sex" jack added "Well all but one right" Zach said as he thought about it.

"Oh right Zola how's she " Daniel said as Jonah finished the food up, "she getting friendly with corbyns son " Jonah let out a little laugh "it's like a bad family tree situation " they all laughed.

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