Request •

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"Hey beautiful" I rolled my eyes "what Jonah?" He smirked "there's a party at my place tonight, you should come and bring your friends" I nodded "sure why not, there's gonna be drinks right" he nodded "hell yeah, see you later tonight beautiful" I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"Dude he obviously likes you" I rolled my eyes at jack "and he is obviously a fuckboy" jack rolled his eyes at me "Brianna just fuck him already, what's stopping you from fucking him" I laughed "I don't want to fuck the schools fuckboy" he laughed "that's what you said about Daniel" I hit his shoulder

"I was drunk" he rolled his eyes "and you'll be drunk when you fuck him" I let me haw drop "go away your rude", "I can't go away your driving me home." I laughed.

"I might as well leave you ass in the side of the road" he laughed "why so you can drunk fuck Jonah in your car" I hit him again as we both got into my car "one more comment and you can walk home" he held his hands up in surrender.

Jack and I walked into Jonah house as it smelt like sex, alcohol, and sex "drinks are over there" this random guy in pretty sure graduated like three years ago said "let's take some shots" jack laughed "okay whatever, I'm not drinking tonight" I nodded "smart idea because I am" he nodded.

As I took about four shots I started to feel it quick in "go dance" jack said as a song came on "Okay you convinced Me" he laughed as I headed for the "dance" floor "hey beautiful".

"Hi Jonah, care to dance" he nodded as I continued walking to where people were dancing. As the song change to a dirty song, my dancing got dirtier "we should take this somewhere more private" I whispered in Jonah ear as he took my hand and lead me upstairs.

He shut the door as I sat on the bed, "so Jonah I've know for some time that you've wanted me" he nodded as I pulled him down to hover over me "I've also know that I've wanted you for a while so why don't we get on with it yeah" he nodded as he kissed me.

We lost our clothes as he kissed down my stomach, he kissed my inner thighs as I left out moan after moan. He left a few hickeys in the insides on my thighs, he finally kissed my clit as I let out a loud moan "oh fuck Jonah" he smirked as he hovered back over me.

He slammed into me as I arched my back, "oh fuck just like that" he rubbed my clit as I wrapped my leg around his waist making him hit my g-spot with each thrust.

"I'm going to cum" he nodded as I clenched around him and came, he pulled out as I ducked on his tip, I swirled my tongue around his tip. I took him in the best I could and jerked off what I couldn't fit into my mouth.

He twitched and came, I laid back down beside him "maybe we should do this again, when I'm not drunk" he nodded "I totally agree"

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