pregnant -Zach

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"But baby what are we going to do" I sat in my bathroom while Zach and I's two year old son was taking a nap, I'm currently freaking out think I may be pregnant again... at age 17 "Baby don't worry if we are then we have another one the last one was a blessing" I took in a deep breath "I don't think I can take the test I'm too scared" I heard running around in the background as Zach also took a deep breath.

"Just take it, I promise I'm right here with you" I smiled as I opened the box "your going on tour" I heard more running around and one of the boys laugh. "Yes but baby you'll still be pregnant when I get back" I put him on mute and peed on the stick "Okay, now all we need to do is wait".

"Zach dud-" Zach waved his hand shutting up whoever was talking to him "give me like 15 and I'll be right there" I took another deep breath "go do what you need to baby I'll text you the results" I could hear him roll his eyes "I'm here and I'm not going to eat I'm not hungry" I nodded.

"How long" I looked at the timer " a few more seconds" the phone stayed silent as the timer went off, I reached for the test as Zach started talking "wait babe, if it is I want you to know that I will only love you, Noah more I don't care what people think okay, and I'm here to stay I swear on it".

I started crying "thank you baby" I heard him wipe his tears and heard the guys walked over to him but when I looked at the test I heard no noise. "Baby" I took a deep breath and cried harder "I'm pregnant" I said in a low whisper.

I cried out of happiness and stress, I heard Zach laughed as I could tell the boys were looking at her weird "dude why are you and y/n crying" I laughed as I saw Noah walk in the bathroom "hey Noah wanna talk to dada" he nodded as I gave him the phone and cleaned myself up.

"Dada, mama crying" I laughed as Noah some how put him on speaker "I know baby, there's a reason" he smiled and "poop" I looked at him weird as he pointed to the toilet.

"Hold on zach" I help Noah sit on the toilet and I walked out of the room leaving the door open "Gus chill, I'll tell you what's up soon" I laughed "just tell them Zach it's okay".

"Guys y/n pregnant again" he seemed happy, but from the guys being dead quite and from previous reactions I already knew they weren't happy, "y/n why don't you come down to the studio and we all can talk" I took a deep breath in "yeah okay Daniel, let me get Noah ready and I'll be right down".

"Great can't wait to see you too", "Zach I love you I'll see you soon" Noah flushed and I heard the water turned on "I love you too" I went to hang up as I heard Jonah say his half thought "Zach what the hell man" then the line went dead.

I started crying more as Noah sat by me "mama what's wrong" I laughed as I sat him on mine and Zach bed, "mommy and daddy are having another baby Noah" he smiled really big and laughed "more" I nodded as he hugged me "Are you happy" he nodded really fast.

"Let's go see your uncles and dada, can you get dressed for me" he nodded and ran out of my room with a smiled. That's was going to be the only smile I was going to see for a while.

After Noah and I got dressed, we made it to the studio and I texted Zach to meet us outside, when he saw me he took Noah out of my hands and hugged me "I missed you" I kissed him and smiled "how pissed are they" he laughed.

"About as pissed as last time maybe a little less, they said they expected it of me" I laughed as he looked at me "what it's funny" we walked inside and all the guys gave Noah and I a hug. We all sat down, "Okay look I know it's really bad timing but I didn't want this to happen" Daniel cut me off.

"Not a problem, we just though after the experience Zach had with you having Noah he would wrap it up a little better" I laughed as Zach looked at us "oh shut up guys I didn't expect to see that"

While having Noah, Zach stood by me and because my body was so small and fragile at that time they had to do a c-section. Zach being the nosy person her his looked over the divider and saw everybody and fainted.

"It's okay, that's normally why they have the divider there" I patted his shoulder as the guys laughed "we actually want you to go on tour with us" I stopped them "I can't, I have Noah and I'm just going to get big and in the way and it won't be something you want to see"

"You didn't let me finish, we talked to your parents and Zach's a few weeks ago and said that they wouldn't mind taking Noah for the three months, and Zach was on tour for most of your pregnancy last time. He should be able to see you grow and experience that with you, every place we stop in we can get a doctor for you when needed" Zach smiled at me

"Why wasn't I in on this" they laughed at him "early birthday present to y/n" I smiled as o looked to Noah then to Zach "I don't think I can be away from my baby that long" I kissed Noah's head as he hugged me.

"Go mama" I looked at Noah as he smiled at me and nodded, "you guys know that you all have to watch me get big, and I'm not lying about getting in the way" they laughed "you won't, we've been talking about this since the tour was even thought of and we know how sad Zach gets when he doesn't get to see you everyday so c'mon y/n"

Zach smiled at me "Can I get some time to think about it" they nodded as I smiled at them "not so sure my moms gonna agree with it too much when I tell her the news" they all laughed "your telling her tonight" I nodded "yeah I guess I should tell her as soon as possible" they all nodded.

"Congrats, we haven't said that yet", "thank you"

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