tell me you love me -Zach

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"I'll do anything you want me too just tell me you love me even if don't Zach" I said as he held me close to him, I was sat on his lap my shirt off, just my underwear and a bra. "Who said I didn't love you y/n" he kissed me as I slipped off his shirt.

"Because from the moment we met this has been straight sex, no dates, no cute texts, no anything" I kissed down his neck as he stopped me "I didn't know you wanted to do all that" I laughed "Zach it's okay, sex is sex and If you just want to have meaningless sex with me then that's what it can be" he shook his head.

"It's sound like for the past year I've been treating you like shit, I don't want you to feel like your only a booty call to me, I have feelings for you" I nodded "Zach it's okay you don't need to lie" he shook his head "I would never lie to you".

"This is different from when we first started y/n, I like you a lot and I wanted to take you out on a date but you always left and didn't want to ever stay", "I didn't think you thought of me more than a late night booty call, this was only supposed to be sex and if you still want just sex then I can give you that" he shook his head.

"I want to be more, I want to go on dates and hold your hand in public, I wanna show you off to the world because that's what you deserve y/n" I kissed him "thank you" he laid back.

"So let's just cuddle" I nodded as I cuddled into his chest, "i don't have to leave in an hour, I have a meeting" he nodded and kissed the top of my head.

We cuddled for a bit, ive always hated cuddling and this wasn't what I wanted to be doing with Zach right now. He walked me out to the door and kissed me "movies tomorrow at 7" I smiled and nodded "sounds perfect" he nodded as I left.

Zach pov

"Don't even think about doing what I already know your doing Zach" Daniel said as he and the rest of the boys walked into the kitchen "what are you talking about" they all laughed "you did this with the last girl, she tired to get serious, you invited her on a date and then you didn't show up, you text or call her" I rolled my eyes.

"That was a different girl" corbyn laughed "exactly and if you don't show up to that date tomorrow with y/n I will beat you ass" he said as he stiffened his jaw "why do you care if I go or not".

"Because she isn't just your sex buddy Zach, she is my best friends and if you do the slightest thing to hurt her like you've don't to any of those girls in the past it's going to be a hard day for you buddy" he said as he looked me up and down.

Jonah had put a hand on corbyn's shoulder and pulled him back from me, "she's a super nice girl and she doesn't deserve you Zach but she likes you and you need to realize that one day a girl going to go to the public eye and speck about what the Zach herron did to them, not only will it ruin you it will ruin us too" Jonah said as corbyn didn't take his eyes off of me.

"Guys I like y/n" jack rolled his eyes "yea as your sex buddy but what's going to happen when she quits giving it up" I let out a huff "we didn't have sex today, we cuddled" corbyn took a step forward.

"You must really not know her at all, y/n doesn't cuddled, she hates the body heat because she gets way to hot way to fast. Have you even had a conversation with her without it leading to the bedroom, oh wait let me guess no" corbyn said as he began to walk off

"Corbyn, corbyn stop" Daniel said as corbyn stopped and turned around "I never told Zach he wasn't allowed to sleep with y/n but I did tell him if he treated her like any of the other girl I was going to beat his ass, it's a fair warning, it you don't like her then tell but so help me god if she calls me crying because of you I'm done"

He walked off as the other boys looked to me, "Zach we aren't stopping him if he punched you" Jonah said as he looked me up and down "you better do the right thing" they all walked off as I scoffed.

Y/n's pov

I sat down as looked at my phone, I rolled my eyes it's 10:30 pm and Zach was supposed to get me at 7:30. Isn't that just fucking amazing, I laid back on my bed as their was a knock at my door.

I walked downstairs to see corbyn "hey" I said as I looked at him confused, "did the date go well" I laughed "yeah, if he would have shown up I'm pretty sure it would have been great corbs" his jaw clenched.

"I'm just tired of always getting blown off, is there something wrong with me, why is it nobody ever wants to date m all they want is sex" he rubbed my back "y/n your fucking amazing and you just need to find a guy that doesn't just want your body, quit falling for the guys that hate commitment" I nodded "thanks" he hugged me.

"I actually have to get back home but tomorrow after I pick up Christina from the airport wanna get ice cream with us" I smiled "yes please I miss her so much" he smiled "great I'll come by" I smiled.


Corbyns pov

"Babe he told me he would go" I said to Christina as we were talking on the phone on my way back home "baby I can't let you beat him up, I know y/n and she is very strong and if she knew this she would be absolutely pissed at you right now" I rolled my eye.

"I can live with her mad, she isn't the only girl he has done this too, I should punch him for how many people he's done this too" I could literally hear her roll her eyes. "If you even touch hit corbyn I will be extremely pissed at you and I'll spend my weekend down there with y/n, you can tell but I I hear you hit him corbyn" I cut her off

"I won't hit him, but what if one of the other boys do it" she laughed "then that's none of my business".

Once I got to the house Daniel and Jonah were outside "you can't hit him" I nodded "I won't" they both moved out of my way as I saw Zach in the kitchen.

"I hope you know that If I could I would literally break your nose on how bad I want to punch you right now, so here's what's going to happen, you not going to text, call, Snapchat whatever you can do her okay, you'll apologize and that's the LAST time you ever accosted yourself with her, got it" he nodded.

I walked away as the boys all laughed.

Y/n's pov

There was a knock at my door as I ran down thinking it was corbyn and Christina but when I opened it, it was Zach "what" I said as he looked up at me.

"Hear me out please" I nodded, "I'm an asshole and I'm not here to ask you for another chance because truth is I'm not a relationship guy, I do like you y/n but I can't do this. I don't deserve to have somebody like you in my life and I know I could have said that yesterday instead of leading you on and I apologize" I nodded.

"Yeah you are right, you are an asshole and honestly Zach and I don't know if I could even believe you so goodbye" I shut the door in his face as I sat down on my couch life sucks.

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