the sad one w/ Jack

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I laid on my bed crying as jack walked in the room "hey babe" he said as he threw his jacket on the ground and walked out of the room, I held my hand over my mouth as I let out quite sobs.

There was footsteps back "Babe?" I looked up at jack "what" I said rolling my eyes "what's wrong" he went to sit by me as I moved away from him "please don't touch me jack" he heart broke when I said jack instead of babe or baby.

"Tell me what's wrong babe" I cried harder as I looked at him, my emotions were all over the place for a second I wanted to hold him but then again I wanted him to leave and not speck to me till this feeling passed.

"I don't know" he nodded "let me hold you" I nodded as I cried harder, he picked me up and held me close to him "your beautiful and strong" I kissed him as he deepened the kiss "your so special to me and you are my world" I hid my face in his neck and I knew by now he didn't care when he felt my tear in his neck because he knows all of this is almost over.

"You have so much purpose in so many life's, all the boys need you on the days we need a laugh and I need you more than you will ever know" I smiled in his neck as I heard one of the boys walk in.

"Did you ask her if sh-" Zach stopped himself as he saw me "hey y/n" i lifted my head out of jack's neck "hi" I said in a low whisper "you wanna watch a movie" I shook my head no as I started crying again and jack pulled me into his body "shhh baby it's fine we are all here for you"

"I'm a piece of trash why are you with me" he looked as broken as me when I said that "you are the most beautiful person, and the most caring, the most loving and I knew from the moment I met you that I would never ever want to not be with you babe" I kissed him as he cuddled me

"I love you jack" he smiled and kissed my head "I love you more than words can describe" I laid on the bed as jack pulled me into his chest "and we love you too" I smiled at the boys "I love y'all too"

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