All the boys

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I sat on my bed and cried, I was raped and when I came home I sat in my room and just cried. I took a long bath, but I still felt dirty and gross, it's been about a month and I haven't left my room, my parents aren't home and my brother sets food by my door, knocks then runs away.

Daniel, my best friend sits outside the door and talks to me, he gives me my homework but he doesn't know why I've locked myself in my room, nobody did but myself. I opened my door and set my laundry basket outside and picked up the food my brother left for me. I sat a note down.

Dear you,
Thank you for the food, I love you and Kay have a great day at school be careful please
Dear Daniel,

I wanna tell Daniel but I'm too scared what he will think of me, what will he do or say i just don't have enough tears for this.

There was a knock at my door and I waited till they talked, "hey y/n Daniel is getting us for school we will be back later, Kay and I love you too I'll make you something special for dinner tonight. Oh and Daniel said he gets out at lunch and he was going to come back here to talk with you " he slid a notebook and pen under my door.

I guess I should also mention I've been mute for a month, I picked the notebook up and opened the page, is smiled at the title

So you can talk back to me:
I quickly wrote down what I wanted to say to him and Kay then slipped it under the door.

"I love you, please have a nice day and I'll write to you later, tell Kay I love her and don't walk home let Daniel get you too" I smiled as I heard Kay giggle.
"I love you too sissy" I cried as I heard footsteps and I knew they were Daniels.

"Hey guys you ready to go" they nodded and showed him the note and notebook "hey y/n I'm here, I'll be back in a few hours or so then maybe we can have a conversation with our notebook. " I smiled as I picked it up off the ground and got a pen.

"Sound good, cant wait :)" I slipped it under the door as he picked it up and laughed. "Okay guys lets get in the car and go" I leaned against the door as I heard the sets of footsteps walked out of the door.

I got in the bath and washed my body, hair and got out to brush my teeth, I got dressed as I looked at the time, 9:25 am, I sat on my bed and looked up at the roof.

Maybe if I tell Daniel he won't tell anybody, and he won't care he will just hold me and love me. I cried a little longer as I feel asleep, when I woke up there were footsteps and I shot up I curled into a ball as I though this man was back.

I calmed down as I heard Daniels voice, I got up and sat by the door "hey y/n I hope you not asleep" he slipped the notebook and I took it.
"I'm not asleep, did you walk Kay and Luke into the school?" I wrote and handed it to him.

"Yeah, like I do everyday and when I picked them up I will walked to them too. Do you wanna write me and tell me what's going on?" He slipped the notebook back to me as I cried a little.

"Hey it's okay you don't need to tell me", I looked at my hands I was shaking, "I'm going to let you in please just hold me, don't talk, don't say anything, and please don't tell Luke and Kay" I slipped the notebook under as he gasped.

"Okay, I'll do that" I held my breath as I unlocked the door and slowly opened it, when I saw Daniel he looked heartbroken. He walked in and shut the door locking it behind him, he took me into a hug as I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

He didn't say anything but just rocked me while I sat on his lap, I grabbed the notebook as he smiled. I wrote down what I wanted to say as he read it

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