Mate -Zach

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I looked at his wrist, when he turns 16 tomorrow somebody name is going to pop up and that's going to be his mate. The woman or man he is supposed to love and have babies with for the rest of his life.

Hi I'm y/n and I live on a planet where the moment we turn 16 a name appears on our wrist and that's the person we are supposed to have kids with as soon as possible. I turn 16 tomorrow along with my brother, we are twins, and I'm just so nervous.

I walked downstairs the next morning "two hours before you know who your mate is" I smiled at my mother "what if I don't like this person" she rolled her eyes "chances are they been looking for you for a while you are going to love them I swear" I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to school now, bye I love you" she hugged me as I walked out of the house once I walked into school my friend came up to me laughing "what do I have food on my face" they shook their heads.

They giggled as the schools fuckboy walked through the doors, while everybody watched him walk I stood looking at my locker and taking my books out "dude it's his birthday today" I rolled my eyes "it's also mine" they nodded

"We texted you this morning and FaceTimed you" I rolled my eyes "a happy birthday in person wouldn't kill you, I gotta get to class. See y'all at lunch" they nodded as I walked to my first class.

I watched as the clock counted down the minutes, "an hour" I said to myself. An hour till I know they love of my life's name, as I turned to look at the clock again I saw Zach looking at me and once he noticed I noticed him looking he blushed and looked back at his paper.

I shrugged it off as the bell for class to end rang, and I walked to my next class and my friends joined me "did you get to look at Zach wrist by chance" I looked at them weird "I'm sure if it had one of your names on it he would have told you already" they nodded.

"Okay sure, when do you get the name" I pulled out my phone and checked the time "beginning of lunch" they smiled at each other "perfect" they walked away leaving me confused.

As I sat down soon Zach walked in and sat beside me, this class was always quite maybe because I sat next to Zach and when Zach wasn't sitting by one of his friends he didn't bother talking.

"I heard it's you 16 birthday, so happy birthday" I smiled at him "thank you, also happy birthday to you" he nodded "did you already find out your mate" I shook my head no "I won't find out till lunch" he nodded and looked to the board as I went back to my paper.

"I hope that persons easy to find, your a really nice girl" I smiled "thank you Zach" he smiled me and blushed at me.

I walked to lunch and sat beside my friends "is it there is it there" I shook my head "not yet, two more minutes" they nodded as my friend caught Zach looking at me as he walked by. I was watching my wrist, my friend gave Zach a look as he pointed to his wrist.

My friend shook her head no then shrugged her shoulders, Zach sighed and pointed to him then me then back to him as my friends eyes widened and she turned back to me "maybe you should wait to look" I gave her a look.

"Wait till when" she laughed "graduation" I laughed "why would I" she laughed "because I don't know" I checked the time "it should be there right now" I took a deep breath as I turned my wrist around.

Zach Herron

My jaw dropped as I hid my wrist "what?! Who is it?!" My other friend asked as I looked to my friend who knew "there's no way, this is a joke" she shook her head. Her phone went off "that person wants you to meet him by the football field tonight to talk" I nodded "what the fuck, there still no way this is happening" she laughed as my other friend was confused.

I walked out to the football field and I was waiting for Zach "I've known since I woke up this morning that you were my mate" I turned and looked to him "why didn't you say anything" he shrugged his shoulders.

"I didn't know how, y/n hi yeah your the love of my life" I laughed "sounds a little creepy if I do say so myself" he said as he stood by me. "Well I guess we have to start on kids soon" he laughed and nodded "can I be honest with you" I nodded "that's what these mean" I say holding up my wrist.

"I've liked you for years and I only was messing around with other girls so that I would make you jealous" I smiled at the ground "you always made me blush" he laughed.

"I'm going to try something" I nodded, he cupped my cheeks in his hands and kissed me as a million sparks ran through my body "holy" I said as we pulled back "Yeah" I laughed.

"What do you say about a date this weekend?" I nodded "sound great Zach" he smiled "I'm hoping we could be boyfriend and girlfriend now since we know we are meant to be" I laughed and nodded as he kissed me again.

"I would love to be your girlfriend Zach" he smiled as we walked hand in hand off of the field. "Let me walk you home then beautiful"


Part 2.....?!

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