Request (insta) •

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I rolled my eyes as I read all of my instagram comments, I deleted all the hate so at least Daniel couldn't see them. This hate hadn't really been a problem when Daniel and I first started dating but now it's gotten so bad it's all I ever see and I honestly don't know how to feel about it.

I don't want to tell Daniel because I know how he feels about me worrying about it but I just don't ever see the love anymore and it makes me wonder if I'm really good enough for Daniel like everybody's says.

"You're so ugly, you need to get out of Daniels life"

"I didn't know god make fugly people"

"What does Daniel even see in you, it must be really hard for him to look at you"

"Quit leeching"

"All you want us his money"

"You're such a bitch"

I put my phone away as I walked downstairs to see Daniel playing his guitar and the boys playing a video game, "hey baby" I said kissing him as he looked up from his paper he had laid out in front of him.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled as we pulled away from the kiss "I thought y'all needed to go get some things for your today" he nodded as I sat on his lap and he put his guitar down. "Well we were but corbyn got done before all of us and he started playing a game and you know what happens when one of the guys start playing" I laughed as I laid my head down on his chest.

"If you let me change we can go get what y'all need" he smiled at me "I'd love too plus I'm starving" I kissed him as I got off his lap "you want me to make you something really fast" he shook his head "no we will just go eat" I smiled as I walked upstairs and got dressed.

I threw my hair up in a high ponytail and walked downstairs, "guys Mel and I are going to go get a few things and we will be back" they all nodded as Daniel took my hand and we walked outside.

"Did you post on Instagram today" I shook my head, "I don't have any pictures" I said as he nodded "we can take some" I gave him a small smile, I have pictures I just rather not post them and have to delete thousands of hate comments before Daniels sees how bad it is.

After about two or three hours of doing some clothes shopping Daniel and I went to get something to eat, "let's go to a sit down restaurant" I said as he nodded and pulled into a random restaurant we've never been too.

"After this you want to go take pictures" I shook my head "I don't know I'm not really in the mood" he looked at me weird "baby you love posting on Instagram" I nodded "I know I'm just.., maybe I can post an old throwback of us" he nodded.

"Okay let's see some" I pulled out my phone as we went through all the old photos of us finally decided on one. I quickly posted it with a cute caption and we ate our food that we had previously order.

I looked through all the comments as I waited for Daniel to finish his food, "why do you look sad" I shook my head "how can I be sad when I got to spend the whole day with the love of my life" he smiled "baby I know when something isn't sitting right with you, what's wrong".

"It's nothing really" he nodded, "you want to cuddle when we get back home" I smiled and nodded "I'd love too".


Once we got back home I spilt all the boys clothes into piles and showed them which outfits goes with which, Daniel and I went up to our bedroom and cuddled.

"Baby what's got you down" I kissed him "I just want you to know that I love you with my whole ass heart and I love your fans but I can not take all this hate that I get dani" he looked at me weird.

"Baby what hate" I rolled my eyes "the thousands of comments a day that deleted off my post because I rather you not to see them" he grabbed him phone as he read all the new hate comments that were left under my post.

"Ew I can't believe he stayed with you that long ugly bat"

"Woah I didn't know Daniel was into hoes"

"Your such a whore"

"Gold digger"

"All you want us his fame"

"You only posted this so you can get people to think you were there before the game when in all reality you came after the game, gold digger"

"I didn't know Mel was the new way of spelling hoe, you learn something new everyday"

"Baby why didn't you tell me about this, you are none of those things" I nodded as I laid on his chest and he kissed my head "I know dani it just gets so bad and it's hard not to think that you be better off without me some days" he shook his head as he looked down at me.

"No baby, you are my world and what makes my day better Mel I don't want to lose you ever. I'm not going to tell you not to listen to the hate because it's everywhere but baby please don't leave me because what these people say about you. I love you with everything in my body and I don't ever want you to forget that, I don't care if people think your a gold digger I know you not, you won't even let me buy you a piece of gum that's worth a penny".

"I want you in my life for as long as you are willing to stay, and I don't want you to leave me because somebody has a different opinion about you, all that's matter to me is that you love me okay" I nodded as I smiled "I love you so much dani".

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