Reuqest (insta) •

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"You can't play that card" I looked towards my brother as he rolled his eyes, "Zach's my best friend Bella there is no way in hell im letting you date him" I rolled my eyes "you slept with all of my best friends so fuck off".

"Bella, you can't do that" I wanted to hit him, "Are you kidding me right now, YOU SLEPT WILL ALL OF MY FRIENDS AND THEN DIDNT TEXT THEM BACK" he looked offended "it's different"

"Your right it is different, zach didn't fuck me he took me out on a nice ass date and then ask me to be his girlfriend" my brother rolled his eyes "look I know Zach wants to get in your pants and I'm not going to let him do no Bella you can't see him, you can't date him" I rolled my eyes as I turned back around to finish what I was doing before we started this argument.

"Well I don't need your permission so it doesn't matter" he scoffed, "didn't you just hear me, he only wants to get in your pants" I rolled my eyes "we've been together for two months and he hasn't done anything other than give me a peck so back off".

"You've been seeing him behind my back" I shook my head no, "it wasn't behind your back your just too dumb to look straight" he laughed "MOM" I laughed "she known about me and Zach so fuck off".

"I'm not in this" my mom said as she passed by my room, "mom tell her she can't date Zach" my mom stopped and backed up, "you slept with all her friends and didn't even call them back at least Zach is treating her the right way, honestly get over it" I smirked as my mom said that and my brother rolled his eyes giving up.


Zach picked me up and I hugged him, "my brothers not to happy" he looked at me weird "why" I shook my head "something to do with us and dating" he opened the car door for me as I got in.

"He told me he'd be fine with it" I shook my head as he ran to his side and got in, "Well he really isn't, he honestly doesn't want us to be together" he looked at me weird.

He learn over and kissed me, "well all that matter is that you want to be together" I smiled and nodded "absolutely" he smiled as he kissed me again and we left to go to the beach for our date.

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